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Updated List of Star Wars DVD Changes (2004/2005 Editions)


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I just noticed that somebody again forgot to color his lightsaber! :p

When Luke, Han, Chewie and Leia are returning to the Falcon in ANH, when they cut to the scene when the Stormies are looking to the battle between Ben and Vader, you can see that Vader's saber is just a white "walking stick"


I watched the scene frame by frame and noticed that Vader is already ready to kill Ben, but whe still hear the lightsaber classing, and the next scene there still in combat!


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On-topic: Are there actually changes on the LE 2005 DVD set (I know it are actually the 2004 SE's)?


I haven't picked up a copy (I didn't want to waste my money), but from all reports, they are identical to the previously released DVD set, except different packaging and losing the bonus disc for $10 off the original list price.


But I bet if you shop around you can find the 2004 set for the same price or cheaper than what the LE set is being sold at now. A lot of fans have also posted up high quality "new covers" to use for your Star Wars set, ranging anywhere from the Laser Disc covers, the definitive editions, the "faces" covers, the original movie posters, and new ones, etc.


In DVD circles we talk about the "double dip" wherein a company releases the same movie more than once on DVD but the second time with just slight improvements or slapping in some more extras. This isn't even a case of that, so really there's no reason to buy the new set if you own the old one unless you're dead set on owning two copies of the same movie with a different box.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No kidding. Before Lucas clarified the chronology in 2001 (on the TPM DVD) we honestly didn't know how much time had "officially" passed between the time we see him as a child and the time he takes his mask off.


Before the prequels were made, it would have been reasonable to assume a 50 year gap (say, Anakin was a 20-something year old Jedi when the Empire was formed and he became Darth Vader, then about 50 years of Imperial rule before he kills the Emperor, that's what a lot of us fans imagined). So it's Lucas who's created this discrepency, so we're left to assume that somehow he appeared to age faster than normal somehow (much like the Lars family).


The trouble is, Obi-Wan is about the right age for where he is in the OT (only about 7 years off of Sir Alec Guinness) and Palpatine the same (he's in his 80's in the OT if we accept the 50 year old Senator in TPM).


I don't even care that this creates a slight discrepency with the EU, wherein we have a 60-something Boba Fett still jetting around looking for bounties and fighting (as far as I'm concerned he died on Tatooine, but I guess he's just really remarkable physically for his age).


My crack about the 70's thing was just to point out that actor Sebastian Shaw, who plays Vader unmasked in ROTJ is still shown when Luke takes the mask off. He's a 70-something year old man. Then his "ghost" appears and he's 21 year old Hayden. Originally he just appeared as himself, just with his hair back and without all the scarring and facial injuries (and we presume his spiritual body mimics how his earthly body would have looked restored at his age).


If Lucas just wanted to show Anakin "healed" he should have taken Hayden and put him into "middle age" makeup to look like a dignified man in his 40's. Instead it's clear he just decided to make him look like Anakin did right before he officially turned to the Dark Side in Episode III, complete with the hairstyle he had back then, etc (only difference is he has his right forearm back and no evidence of that facial scar, though it's hard to see exactly). So Obi-Wan and Yoda just appear how they looked at their deaths, since neither turned to the Dark Side. Lucas's own explanation on the ROTJ DVD is rather vague, but I'm guessing this is what he meant by it, now having seen Episode III.

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After wathing Moth3r's laserdisc transfer of ANH, I noticed that they re-mixed Vader's voice to match his voice in ESB and ROTJ, and that serveral "radio" lines in the Battle of Yavin are also re-mixed (please correct me if they already did this for the SE).



To be perfectly frank, the sound changes are a nightmare and so I spent only a little time with very obvious stuff. The same can be said of others who've compared the various versions.


So let's not get too off topic, but let me say that I spent time describing the differences between the Special Editions (I really mean the home releases of the 1997 SE's) and the 2004 DVD's. If I spent time talking about the original editions or the various incarnations released pre-1997 the thread would be a lot longer and more confusing.


The thing is, for the most part the sound changes were most radical for the 1995 "THX Enhanced" trilogy (aka the "Faces" set). They had alternate lines and remixed sound, etc. The original Star Wars (pre-ANH) was Mono, with a stereo mix being created later (I forget exactly when, perhaps after Aunt Beru's voice was re-dubbed). Fan edits or bootlegs are problematic to use as models because the creator of said edit still makes a creative decision on what sound mix(es) to use for their transfer. Comparing video is one thing, comparing sound is quite another. So if you were going to go that route I would use the VHS or Laser Discs themselves to compare, not a fan created version that might have been spliced together from different cuts and soundtracks.


Obviously the soundtracks for the Special Editions had to be changed again, not only to account for the new music segments in ROTJ, but also for the extended scenes and shots with the cues and such in each of the movies. The timing was again thrown off undoubtably for ESB with the new Emperor/Vader dialouge scene, and in Jedi with the fly by of Naboo. There was even a glitch in the theatrical version of ROTJ SE that was corrected in the home release (they forgot a credit IIRC) with the music again having to have been made to match I'm sure.


Plus sound changes are more difficult to illustrate in a forum thread unless you provide examples, and since I really don't have time or desire to grab sound clips from the SE's and 2004 editions to compare, it probably won't be happening unless somebody else does all the work. Sorry! ;)

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To be perfectly frank, the sound changes are a nightmare and so I spent only a little time with very obvious stuff. The same can be said of others who've compared the various versions.


So let's not get too off topic, but let me say that I spent time describing the differences between the Special Editions (I really mean the home releases of the 1997 SE's) and the 2004 DVD's. If I spent time talking about the original editions or the various incarnations released pre-1997 the thread would be a lot longer and more confusing.


The thing is, for the most part the sound changes were most radical for the 1995 "THX Enhanced" trilogy (aka the "Faces" set). They had alternate lines and remixed sound, etc. The original Star Wars (pre-ANH) was Mono, with a stereo mix being created later (I forget exactly when, perhaps after Aunt Beru's voice was re-dubbed). Fan edits or bootlegs are problematic to use as models because the creator of said edit still makes a creative decision on what sound mix(es) to use for their transfer. Comparing video is one thing, comparing sound is quite another. So if you were going to go that route I would use the VHS or Laser Discs themselves to compare, not a fan created version that might have been spliced together from different cuts and soundtracks.


Oh, sorry, but I know you can trust Moth3r, he used the original mono mix from 1977 and video from the 1993 Definitive Collection.

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He asked a question, fair enough, but can we PLEASE stop cluttering up this thread with off topic posts?


If this keeps up I'll have to split off all the posts about glitches in the classic trilogy, trivia about Star Wars gaffes, changes between other versions of the trilogy, criticism of the changes or fan creations into another thread.


To repeat, this thread is exclusively for the purpose of listing and illustrating the changes from the 1997 Special Editions to the 2004 DVD Editions.


Thanks. If you want to start another thread on one of the other unrelated topics, feel free, and I can move the off topic posts in this thread to there.


PS: To clarify what I said about the sound changes, the only ones I was aware of, I listed in the opening posts. I'm not going to bother with changes made before the SE's.

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  • 1 month later...

why oh why did they not change the entire Executer crashing into the deathstar scene in Jedi? that scene looks awful totally clumsy. a good bit of CGI there would have been welcome.


Also why change Vader's line in ESB from "Bring my shuttle" to " Alert my stardestroyer to prepare for my arrival" what was a cool scene with great music was lost to totally pointless superficial scene. why do we need to see Vader's shuttle? we know he got to his star destroyer!!

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That's not really a change. The only thing that's changed in that scene is pasting on Hayden's face in the 2004 edition. His robes were always the same. But now interestingly enough he's wearing a "v-neck" instead of a turtle-neck, if that makes any sense (of course it doesn't). ;)


And as I said before, let's not clutter up the thread with complaints about the changes, feel free to start another thread about that...

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  • 2 months later...

Just a quick post to let people know about some recent developments:


In 2005, a "new" release of the Star Wars Trilogy was issued with new box artwork, however it was IDENTICAL to the 2004 set, except it was missing the fourth "Bonus Materials" disc, and thus priced slightly lower than the 2004 set was originally.


So currently there is only ONE version of the classic trilogy officially available on DVD, the 2004 editions.


At the end of this year, a new set will be released for a LIMITED TIME ONLY, according to Lucas, which will consist of three "packs" each "pack" contains two discs:


Disc 1: 2004 Edition of the film. Disc 2: "Theatrical edition" of the film, as a bonus.


So you'll have one pack for ANH, one pack for ESB and one pack for ROTJ. Each "pack" is suggested at a retail price of $30 (meaning it would cost $90 for the whole set, as opposed to the $60 that was charged for the four disc set two years ago, but many speculate that places like Wal-Mart will knock the price down anyway in the first week so it won't be that expensive, especially to clear the product since it's a limited release).


Now there has been much speculation, but it is now widely believed that the "Theatrical editions" on these discs will be how the movies looked in 1993, with no extra enhancements, remastering or restoration. This has upset many fans who were hoping for something of better quality than what we've already seen on Laserdisc and VHS for the 14 years before the Special Editions, but that's all we know so far. Also, they will NON-anamorphic widescreen. This too has upset many fans who are letting their feelings be known through various venues.


But in any case, it looks like there are no plans at present to alter the Classic Trilogy further, except to turn them into "3-D" movies in 2007 for a special theatrical anniversary release. Presumably the 2004 editions will be used for this (meaning it would be the first time the 2004 editions would be shown in theaters).

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  • 2 months later...

OMG !!

I'm absolutely horrified at these 'additions', sure they look better but like the SE version these changes make this a NEW project, and NOT the restored original film.


I Have the first release films on VHS and have put them on DVD for myself, and was looking forward to this particular release, but GL has done it again, and I may pass on this one, again. Or maybe I could but only the bonus material ??

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just FYI, the 2005 and 2006 editions are the same as the 2004 editions.


But the 2006 "limited editions" (September 12 to December 31, 2006) will include both the 2004 editions AND the 1993 "theatrical" (actually home video) cuts, in Dolby 2.0 and non-anamorphic widescreen. Amazon.com is listing each of the new sets (each is a two disc pack related to each movie) at a price of less than 18$ (plus tax, and with free shipping on orders over 25$).


Edit: Actually there will be extras. Every bonus disc will include an Xbox (only) demo of "LEGO Star Wars II: Original Trilogy" and a trailer for said game. So if you buy all three sets, presumably you'll have three copies of the demo/trailer.


A new DVD set is being RUMORED for May 2007 possibly with new changes to several of the films, but we have really no idea at this point what that exactly entails, beyond CG Yoda in Episode I (though apparently it will be billed as an "ultimate collection" of all six movies).


You can order the bonus DVD (from the 2004 set) seperately, for fairly cheap.


See here: http://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Trilogy-Bonus-Disc/dp/B000FAGGWQ/sr=8-6/qid=1157234165/ref=sr_1_6/102-0545278-0321705?ie=UTF8&s=dvd


That's all you're really missing by not buying the 2004 set that won't be featured in other sets. Actually, if the prices on Amazon.com are to be believed, you are only paying about $4 more if you bought all three 2 disc Limited Edition packs released this month, instead of the four disc set from two years ago.


Btw, Amazon.com seems to be offering a pretty good deal if you buy all three "Limited Edition" 2006 sets from them, if that is your plan. It's $53.61+tax (free shipping on orders of $25). Much cheaper than ordering them from LucasArts/Lucasfilm, so if you read this in time Cancel your pre-order and switch it to Amazon, you'll have enough cash left over to buy another DVD.. ;)

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  • 10 months later...

Just to add to this, "DvdAnswers.com" a great site that helped a lot when creating this thread, has changed its url to "DvdActive.com" http://www.dvdactive.com


Go there and look up "Star Wars" and you'll see they have extensively revamped their articles on the Star Wars DVD releases. They have two reviews for each movie, plus reviews of the 2006 editions compared to the 2004 and comparing with the 1997 Special Editions. They even have an article detailing the changes made to the prequels (all three were altered from their original theatrical releases before coming to dvd, though Episode III only changes the transition from one shot, and the one shown in select digital theaters of AOTC matches the DVD version while it differed from the IMAX cut and the film version, the latter of which most theater viewers saw in 2002).


Also, there's a nice thread about the 2006 dvd release (which is still available, btw, even though the "limited release" timeframe has long passed):



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  • 1 year later...

And now, as we know, there's a "new" box set, released in December 2008, called "Star Wars Trilogy" (with a blue cover showing Luke and Vader fighting in profile), which is just the 2006 (2 disc) sets packed into one cardboard box. It's slightly cheaper (most places) than buying each of the three sets separately (but if you're going for extras, keep in mind the 2006 sets were also sold together in a metal collector's tin, or separately each packed with a Dark Horse graphic novel reprint of the Marvel Comics movie adaptation series... either of which is better than this simple sleeve).


And yes, I still see the 2 disc sets in stores, so this "Limited Edition" business was ALL HYPE.

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  • 1 year later...

A lotta work there Kurgan , my hats off too ya. I always love seeing the changes , either big and noticable or slight throughtout the differnet releases of the movies at times. I remember seeing past version and scratching my head why Lukes saber was green in some shots? I grew up with the original white version actually. Thanks so much for all that info.

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Happy to be of service! At the time the DVDs were coming out, it seems like the lists of changes were not well publicized, or if they were being talked about there was a lot of incomplete or contradictory information. I wanted to be able to help people make an informed decision about them (plus it was fun to look for the little changes).


Overall, I just prefer the originals (as close as possible to the original theatrical presentations, pre-1997). For me a few of the changes are nice (like the cleaned up Rancor) while most of them are just "meh" or "bleh." I don't mind the changes so much if they don't cause the originals to become more obscure and suffer from it (which sadly seems to have happened).


Thank heaven we have the 2006 versions at least! Now it remains to be seen what happens on Blu-Ray, but word on the street is that so far only a "new" special edition set. Since I don't have the capabilities to watch BD, I won't be commenting on those, unless a DVD version comes up for rent or I can watch it on a friend's player/TV. I know that some fans have already put together their own High Def transfers (from when the 2004 versions were shown on cable). But frankly, I'm more interested in seeing a quality high def transfer of the theatrical originals.

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I should also point out that the 2008 "Star Wars Trilogy" DVD box set (6 discs) actually uses three double "slim" style Amray cases inside a cardboard box. So I guess it would take up slightly less space on your desk than the standard three Limited edition boxes. Frankly though I don't think the new box is that cool and am happy owning the previous versions (the insert art is the same, but since they are slim cases for the 2008 set, the covers are slightly shorter horizontally).

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Now it remains to be seen what happens on Blu-Ray, but word on the street is that so far only a "new" special edition set.



Well , I don't know if this means anything to ya , but George seemed very upbeat and open about at the Star Wars Celebration recently when talking about the possibillity of seeing the 'Original Trilogy' on Blu-ray Disc set. He even refered too them now as the 'Classic Versions'. Not work prints or rough cuts , or anything like he did tens yrs ago. And also hinted that if this set release does well , than it's a good possibility.

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  • 4 months later...

I should add that Vader's vader in ANH (the original) DID have a small red "outer glow." The blade faded over the years to the point where it appeared like a neon orange rod, and in 2004 it was totally changed (to appear like a thin prequel style blade that is violent or pink in most shots, rather than red).


I should also mention that several places I've called them "prequel style" sabers when talking about the 2004 set. In reality it's more like they tried to duplicate the "look" of the sabers in Episode II. Ever Star Wars movie depicts the blades somewhat differently. They got bigger from ANH to ROTJ. TPM had thinner blades that nevertheless had a soft glow. In Episode II they seemed a lot "sharper" and more digital in nature (if that makes sense), and in Episode III they suddenly have those pointy tips.


Since these sets were created in 2004 it makes sense that they'd imitate the movie that was the most current at the time, Episode II.


I should also note, that I've come to realize that the "new CGI Jabba" in ANH 2004 is just a re-colored version of the model we see in Episode I.


Also, all three movies have a "blue tint" to them. I'm told that the "limited edition bonus disc" versions of each film have a "red tint" but it looks far more natural (like the colors we remember) than the blue-tint in the 2004 sets.


Regarding the sounds... each film had three (count 'em) different sound tracks when they were at the theater. Mono, stereo, and six channel surround (for the 70 mm picture, which must have been amazing, but showed at fewer theaters in each case). The "home video" versions of the movies (on laserdisc and vhs) each featured a new soundtrack cobbled together from each of the three theatrical sound tracks.


See, each soundtrack was different, featuring some alternate dialog takes, alternate sound effects and so forth. Some of these changes can be seen as they remixed the soundtracks for each version. For example the Special Editions gave us some "new lines" that were taken from a different theatrical soundtrack than the ones we were familiar with for the "home video" releases from the 80's and 90's (like Luke saying "you were lucky to get out of there" instead of "you're lucky you don't taste very good" in ESB or Han saying "It's all right, I can see a lot better" instead of "It's all right, trust me" in ROTJ). The "shotgun" or "44 magnum" sound effects from the stormtrooper rifles in the chasm scene (before the rope swing) in ANH is another example. The version most people saw in theaters didn't have this, but it was there in another version. The home video releases featured a "regular" blaster sound (from one of the more common versions). The SE went with the shotgun version. Then the 2004 version went back with the earlier version again.


You'll note that the "limited edition bonus disc" arbitrarily picks the old home video soundtrack again. There's a whole line missing from Threepio during the "planning" scene in ANH. Threepio talked about a power interruption at one of the terminals allowing the ship to leave. That's missing from the home video soundtrack but present in the 2004 (form an alternate theatrical soundtrack). When Greedo gets shot there's a "sizzling" sound in some versions, but in others note.


The french, spanish and english audio tracks on each DVD have a different soundtrack as well.


I've really learned a lot since 2004 on the many changes and variations of these three classic films. It was fun learning. But the more I learn, the more I wish they (Lucasfilm, George Lucas and 20th Century Fox) would just make available to us a high quality re-creation of the three originals how they appeared in theaters 1977-1985. As a fan, that's what I want most. I think much of the flames that Lucas and his company have gotten for the past decade would be forgiven and forgotten if he were to make that dream a reality, which he could do quite easily (and make a tidy profit in the bargain). New Special Editions are fun and it can be fun to play "spot the changes." But eventually the novelty wears off, and special effects can ALWAYS be updated, and I just want to watch the old movies. The so-called "GOUT" (bonus disc limited editions) is the closest we've gotten so far to that (and many attempts at fan restorations have been attempted), but they could do a LOT better. Rumor has it that this substandard release of the "original originals" was put out primarily to eliminate sales of laserdisc bootlegs (the existence of which proved that there was a demand for the "unaltered trilogy" in the face of Lucas' previous stubborn refusal to honor them since the 1995 "last chance to own" release). The lack of anamorphic widescreen (in an age where more and more people own widescreen displays) was just unacceptable. Lesser movies have gotten better treatment on the medium. Remember, it took 7 years for us to get the trilogy on DVD from the start of the medium and an additional 2 years after that to get this "laser disc dump." I think these films (and their fans) deserve better. So here's hoping someday...


Sorry for the rant, I know I tried to stay on topic, but I figure after all these years, it's worth a recap at least. ;)


Update: Star Wars on Blu-Ray?

So the latest is that we ARE getting a Blu-Ray of Star Wars in 2011. I'm not sure if that just means ANH (and then another BD release each year after that) or if they mean a trilogy box set. But regardless, what we do know is that the originals will NOT be included. Since they said "just the special editions" I assume they mean a new version, even more modified than the 2004 version, rather than just the 2004 version, the 1997 version or some combination thereof.


If they released one episode each year (starting in "production order" with ANH) that would make sense to coincide with the one-movie-per-year release of the Star Wars 3D theatrical revamps (starting with Episode I and going in "chronological" order).


The complete SW saga was actually shown in HD on cable twice, iirc, though each movie was identical to the current DVD cut of each (2004 trilogy and prequels 2001, 2002, 2005 respectively).


So get ready for MORE changes. That will deserve it's own thread. Since I don't have a blu-ray player yet, and probably give this one a miss if it's just another special edition, I'll leave that to others to document the changes (though you know I'll be curious).


I suggest that people rent this thing if they can before buying. Don't get stuck with a lemon like many of us did back in the day with this set (rushing out to buy it before you knew exactly what you were getting).

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I don't think there will be more changes, but I would like that to happen. Just to fix the laser bolts and lightsabers from the 2004, and to remove the blue tint. ( the release I'm most excited will be the blu-ray of TPM. I really do hope they remove the grain.)


Those HD versions shown on cable are just upscaled versions of the DVD. The box to be released will be a saga pack, not one movie or one trilogy.


The 3D release is a completely different issue. They will be released in 2012 (not 2011 like the Blu-Rays) and each movie will be released with a break of a couple of months.


And I agree that Lucasfilm should release the OOT. I heard recently that TESB was recently included on the LoC. And I'm sure it was not the special edition. There is hope. :)

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