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Where Are You From?

El Virus

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Hey, I’m back, posting another POPULAR forum, like the one before.

This time I just want to where were you born, or where you live. (and if you want give an opinion about your country)

I was born in Argentina, 16 years ago, and I still live in it. Although, our economical situation is not the best we have had, I believe my country is a nice place to visit as it has beautiful landscapes. The only problem, is the people in here, I believe my people are kind of arrogant, but you learn how to handle that.

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Midwest US, baby!


St. Louis, MO fifteen years ago born and raised. I spent the first eight years of my life in the city, then our family moved out to West County. There's a slight chance I'm moving to London next year. If not, then when I'm 18 I'm gointg to either Vancouver or Sydney. I haven't decided yet. I'll probably end up in Sydney someday though; it's a beautiful city.

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I was born in Finland almost 17 years ago, and I have lived all my life in a pathetic country village where you can't even buy comics. I think my country is great, but, like all countries, we have our problems as well.


I will move to a city within several years, but I have hopes of moving back in the middle of nowhere once I've completed my studies.

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Originally posted by VampireNaomi

I was born in Finland almost 17 years ago, and I have lived all my life in a pathetic country village where you can't even buy comics.

What is so bad about it, I live in a big city (Buenos Aires), that is plagued with noises, pollution and crime, every day you have to take a new route to school (or work), because unemployed people are on strike. So in other words, I'd love to live in a small town.

Anyway, Thanks for replying.

Once I end school, I want to go to Seattle, WA (United States), to become a forensic scientist, I think Seattle is one of the most beautiful cities.

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I was born in High Wycombe, which is just a wee way outside London, and i've spent most of my time since then in a small town called Chesham, again, just outside London, but it's in the countryside.


So i get the best of both worlds, i live in this nice quite peacefull area but i can just hop on the tube and get into central london at any time.

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You're going to start studying russian?

I've been studying it for two years now, with books I've bought, I wish I could go to a course but my school already gives us courses on english & french, basically I spend 8 hours at school so I have no time .once I end school I am going to go to a course. :(, who knows maybe I can start on summer, I have learnt the alphabet & other stuff.

I don't know why I like Russia, I think their culture is great, they have fought a lot for their freedom and all. Besides it is an empire which's history is barely seen on schools, althought they were the last empire to stand (USSR). Anyway I believe the russian revolution was one of the most important things of the 20 century, I believe the USSR was another of the most important things which ever happened on the earth. I also believe THEY won the WWII, as they lost millions of people.

PS: Seems you like learning languages, don't you?

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Oh yes, Russia is a very interesting place. I like Lenin a lot, and their revolution was one of the reasons why my country was able to become independent.


I love studying languages and would do anything to be able to study Hungarian. And Portuguese too.


Do you study French? I don't, which is good because then I wouldn't have time for Russian.

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Lenin, Trotsky, Marx & Engels, all were great, too bad Stalin destroyed all the things Lenin and Trotsky achieved, although the worst was Stalin killing Trotsky, in order to rule Russia, I believed he would have made Russia one of the most important countries.(have you noticed that the revolutionaries on the Blue Casket, who I really like, mention both of them if you do something, I don't remember what)

It's not my decission learning french, it's compulsory on my school, but still it's a nice language. It's a pitty no one takes the russian language as an important one, it's a very nice (but difficult) language.

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Oh yes, all those men were interesting and they had some fascinating thoughts. I think their ideas could work, but no country has been able to make good use of them yet. I wonder what our world would be like if Lenin had lived longer.


Compulsory? Really? Well, it's good that you still enjoy it.

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Me too, the only problem is, their ideas were a bit harsh, but if they were just slightly changed...

It's a pity all the problems between communism & capitalism, but well.

It's compulsory, still I enjoy it, but we have to learn english (which I'm thankful for), and french in my school (besides spanish of course)

PS: Isn't socialism a very present theme on the GF, I mean the whole Terry thing, and liberating the free souls, Salva's ideas, etc.?

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I always thought that there were pretty much politics and other "adult themes" in GF. Salvador and his thoughts fascinated me and I have thought about what he would do if he had survived. Would he have tried to take over the Land of the Dead in order to make sure that justice prevailed, or settled with getting rid of Hector?


Nope, my town is not near Helsinki. It's in west and the nearest big city is Vaasa/Wasa.

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So your town is isolated, as you said.

If it wouldn't be for GF I wouldn't have started reading all the politics articles, besides now I'm very interested in socialism, still I don't belong to any political party.

I believe Salva would have done what he thought best for the Land Of the Dead, but he would have killed Hector, and helped the rest of the souls, but who knows.:)

There are a lot of adult themes in GF, but as they are difficult to notice, there's no problem with kids playing it, for example the violence (not too much of it, but still some) on the game, and there's also a lot of romance on it, the last scene of the game, with the train leaves a lot to think about.

It's a very deep game.

It would be nice to start a revolution in real life.

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