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Luke and Dagobah


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While watching the OT on DVD, I noticed on Degobah Luke says something like "I dont know R2, something about this place is familiar..." I have always been wondering, how could it be? Is it possible he and Leia were born on Degobah? This line has always bugged me, and I have always wondered why.

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Originally posted by Autobot Traitor

According to supershadow.com , your correct in your assuming that they were both born there.


According to supershadow? Some people need to learn. Seriously, if supershadow.com said that poking yourself in the eyes with a sharp-stick would give you telepathy, someone would do it.

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"Like something out of a dream..."


Perhaps Luke has literally had dreams (through the Force) about Dagobah. ; )


In fact he visits there specifically because a vision of Obi-Wan Kenobi tells him to go there (one he experiences during a moment of extreme stress as he's almost dead from hypothermia).

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Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me.


But I have heard that supershadow might have a point


Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me


What i have heard is he looks at hyperspace (starwars.com) and peices stuff together.


Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me


I take it you aren't hating me.


But i agree with the theory that the twins (luke and leia, not the girls who are Sebulba's slaves) were born on dagoba.



p.s. Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me Please don't hate me.

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Don't worry you won't be tarred and feathered here just for having an opinion. I just think it's pretty clear that, despite what Supershadow claims (unless he's part of the Star Wars Minsinformation campaign and it's his job to fool people), he does NOT have the inside scoop on the Star Wars movies (and probably not Indiana Jones either).


Rather, he guesses, like we all do, he reads spy reports, like some of us do, he reads spoilers, etc. In short, he does just as much as anybody else could do who is just a fan who wants to know all the info about a movie before it ever comes out.


But just read the "scripts" and other materials on his page. There are all sorts of errors and things, that are either erroneous interpolations by him (see Episode II) or else stuff from rumors and spy reports that turned out to be false.


I have no problem with him speculating about the films, that's fun for some folks and more power to 'em. But for him to claim that this is all TRUE because he's George Lucas's personal friend and he has the ear of the Flanneled One (rather than just a fan who might send him a letter like any of us) is just arrogant and silly.


It's funny to read his site because half the time he is all humble telling people who brown-nose him that he will "forward" their ideas on to Lucas, the rest of the time he's bragging about how famous he is and how hot his girlfriend is (or alternately, how much lovin' he's getting from "the ladies"). Alongside that is his (sincere enough sounding) rhetoric about his personal Christian faith.


With so much conflicting information and his eccentric manner in posting, it's pretty hard to take somebody like that seriously.


Honestly I don't know if he's serious (ie: thinks his info is really reliable). I don't know if it's just a joke, or if it's part of misinformation. I won't assume that he's just out for the attention he gets by claiming he has the inside track on Lucas.


Ultimately I don't care. I don't seek out spoilers, but I found his site one time, read the Episodes 7, 8 and 9 scripts just out of curiosity (to see if they sounded like anything George actually wrote as an outline or just some fan fiction), and skimmed the Episode II thing (once I'd seen the film) and concluded that the info on the page was bunk.


If the info SuperShadow gives on his page turns out to be false, he can always claim that Lucas changed it at the last minute and he didn't have time to update it.

; )

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