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Health from Droids?

83rd Bendude

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Well yes some yet most people know that you can get ammo and health from driods. The black long one Give health while the litte brown one gives ammo. You will see these every were there is a command post. But the little r-2 unit? Posible i think it fixes the shipes if landed proberly. How did i stumble on to this? Well I was playing Battle Of Hoth and I was low on ammo and health and I was up near the speeders when i step next to these droids. I started seeing blue and red rings around me. Then I looked at my health bar and it was given me health. Later in the game i have relized it have given me ammo to. So remember Black for health and Brown for ammo.


See ya later


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The R2 units repair any ship/vehicle you are in when you are near them... there is the usual tell-tale chirrup from the unit when it is working.


Now for the abuse.


Having problems with AT-ATs and other vehicles?

Not a problem! Just find yourself a lovely little R2 unit and slap your vehicle in front of it.... this works peachy on a couple of maps at least! Then those pesky vehicles can pound away and your vehicle will hardly ever blow up!

It also helps if you are a pilot (so you regen the ship too), and if you can get a 2nd in the ship (hammer that f2 key), and he is a pilot even better!!


On Theed: plains & um the snow one with at-ats that isnt hoth (I forget the map name), you can use this to great affect and bag yourself well over 100 kills per game.

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Thanks I wondered what the Astromech droids were in there for!


As far as using droids to resupply, it's also nice that you resupply the Scouts "Recon Droid." It seems like a useless device, but using multiple Scouts with multiple droids and resupplying they might make useful airstrikes.

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Actually isn't that an R5 unit? (seen in ANH a couple of times, though one of them was replaced in the SE by a dinosaur IIRC).


I guess I'm not a big enough SW geek to know.


I don't recall where the tall "health droid" is from. I remember there being a toy of him, but I don't remember what part of the movies it was in.


The boxy Gonk power droid of course is seen several times. In ANH it's on the Sandcrawler with R2 and C3PO and you see one being tortured (hot irons on the feet) in Jabba's Palace in ROTJ.

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Originally posted by vwjoker

The R2 units repair any ship/vehicle you are in when you are near them... there is the usual tell-tale chirrup from the unit when it is working.


Now for the abuse.


Having problems with AT-ATs and other vehicles?

Not a problem! Just find yourself a lovely little R2 unit and slap your vehicle in front of it.... this works peachy on a couple of maps at least! Then those pesky vehicles can pound away and your vehicle will hardly ever blow up!

It also helps if you are a pilot (so you regen the ship too), and if you can get a 2nd in the ship (hammer that f2 key), and he is a pilot even better!!


On Theed: plains & um the snow one with at-ats that isnt hoth (I forget the map name), you can use this to great affect and bag yourself well over 100 kills per game.



Hopefully people get enough sense to shoot at the droid...

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sorry about that with imperial medic droid tk i got it from star wars galactic battlegrounds (the empires medic is one of those nd the rebels is you know that one that helps luke with his robot hand i the end ESB and also adds something when he is in a bacta tank)

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