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Game Laggy Help Please


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I bought SWG and I love it but when I am in a big city the game is really choppy. I turned down the graphics and everything like that. I even updated my graphics card. But when I am in major cities the game is really choppy. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? I just re-formated my pc and SWG is the only game on the pc.


My System Specs:


Intel Pentium 4 1.2 or 1.5 GHz(not sure which)

GeForce2 Mx 400

40 GB HD

256mb RAM



Thanks in advance,



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I have broadband internet. I was told that if I bought 512mb RAM it would greatly improve the gameplay preformance. I wanted to confirm the theory of RAM I dont want to go out and buy 512mb RAM if it wont help gameplay. Is the RAM theory true?



Thanks in advance,



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Guest DarthMaulUK

Galaxies has a problem with lag. It doesnt matter about your connection, your graphics card as I have experienced lag on all types of graphic cards. Yes, a better card increases performance but the game suffers from lag.


Your best bet is to get onto a server thats closer to you. Although this doesnt always work either. I used to be on Eclipse, signed up to a European server and the lag was alot worse!



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ram with Ghz is best to go againt lag. xanadu (a friend of mine) has like a 3.0 ghz with 1 gig of ram... her comp runs flawlesly... she only gets a tiny bit of lag when entering coronet.


myself i have a 2.0 Ghz and 512 ram... but coronet lags as HELL for me... i never ever ever ever go to coronet unless i REALLLLLLYYYY have to :) theed and bestine lags a bit around the time a lot of the US people come online.. other then that im fairly ok with the lag issue.



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