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How's the game now?


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I played the 2 week trial a few months ago and it was great. How's the game now? I heard there is an over run with Jedis since a patch? Is it really as bad as people keep saying? I don't like the fact that I need to pay $15 a month, but thinking about it, it's probably worth it.


As for the expansion pack, any idea when that comes out? I haven't followed it since I don't play the game. Any idea on what it adds or the price?


On the box it says it includes a month membership, or at least that is what I think it says, is this true?

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I think it depends on what you're expecting. I played a two week demo and wasn't sure. I kept reading loads of negative stuff about it in forums. So I decided to sign up another account and play another two week demo. I'm quite enjoying it and decided to buy the game (although couldn't get it anywhere for less than GBP25).


I'm not trying to grind my way to the top of a profession, I'm just trying to roleplay my way through the game. I've seen one Jedi ever (although I've not really left Tatooine yet) and I'm managing to avoid any of the hax0r kiddies who seem to be upsetting other people.


It's by no means perfect, but I'm an SW junkie and I like it for now.

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Well, I decided just to buy it. I bought the guide from Amazon. (Usually I don't but them, but it was $6 shipped) and the game from Newegg for $30 shipped.


I would use the search function, but it's disabled. So here are a few questions so I don't have to make a new thread.


1) I plan to do Imperial Faction, when I played the demo I went for that, spent a few days getting the 200 points, then figured out I needed 100,000 more or so. Anyways, what happens as you get further up in the ranks, how long does it take? (I can wait, I am just curious)


2) What is a good way to go as far as profession? I was thinking Ranger (Mid-Range) and Scout, maybe Medic as I get along more. I won't do it all at once, but that is what my goal is.


3) Any 'newb' tips for me? I was really confused during the trial, but I know some of the basics. I had fun, so I decided to become a hypocrite (I hate P2P games) and buy the game.


4) What server is a good one to join? I am on USWEST and there are so many.


I'll think of some more questions later.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The game really hasnt changed much since its release. Things like vehicles etc that should have been in the game from day one have been added, dozens or revamps bugs, more patches even more bugs.


As for actual content. No. Apart from the Corvette and a few other 'bunkers' designed for the power gamer.



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Well what I've read from other players is the Jedi 'destroyed' the game. I wanted to put that aside and play anyways.


Now the only problem is, It will be here Friday/Saturday, but I can't play it until 27th of this month because I don't want to activate my account and lose 10 days when I got to Mexico. :(

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Originally posted by RDX1

Well, I decided just to buy it. I bought the guide from Amazon. (Usually I don't but them, but it was $6 shipped) and the game from Newegg for $30 shipped.


I would use the search function, but it's disabled. So here are a few questions so I don't have to make a new thread.


1) I plan to do Imperial Faction, when I played the demo I went for that, spent a few days getting the 200 points, then figured out I needed 100,000 more or so. Anyways, what happens as you get further up in the ranks, how long does it take? (I can wait, I am just curious)


2) What is a good way to go as far as profession? I was thinking Ranger (Mid-Range) and Scout, maybe Medic as I get along more. I won't do it all at once, but that is what my goal is.


3) Any 'newb' tips for me? I was really confused during the trial, but I know some of the basics. I had fun, so I decided to become a hypocrite (I hate P2P games) and buy the game.


4) What server is a good one to join? I am on USWEST and there are so many.


I'll think of some more questions later.


1.)As you get further up in rank in the IMP faction you get privileges and access to more powerful weapons, which you purchase with faction points. Things like AT-STs, stormtroopers to command. How long it takes depends on how much you do to gain IMP faction points. You only need the inititial 200 to join the faction, still.


2.)I would not recommend Scout or Medic as a starting profession. Take up a combat profession to be able to defend yourself, and then take up scout or medic as an add-on. The ranged professions are good(Marksman, Pistoleer, Carbineer, Rifleman). You can also select a melee/brawler combat system(Brawler, Tera Kasi, Fencer, Swordsman, Pikeman). After you have some combat skills, you can take on medic or scout which make great complimentary professions.


3.)No real new player tips. Just decide on what you would like to do with your initial profession, since it is easier to get started that way, because you are provided with the basic equipment.


4.)As far as servers, they are really all the same, though the economies of scale for each can differ. Items on one server may be more or less expensive, depending on the respective economy. Any are good. When you login to setup your initial character, it will give you a list of all the servers and you will often see (RECOMMENDED) in parenthesis for a server. Consider setting up your character on that one.

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Ranger is fine, but again, you have no combat skills. You will need those when in the wilderness, as a Ranger if/when you get attacked. My advice. start with Marksman, then pay an NPC trainer 100 credits(you start with 250) to take Novice Scout. Build up your marksman skills and level scout simultaneously. This way you can see how they compliment each other.

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It's not so bad most of the content now is aimed at jedi which is a bit discourging for me at least.


BH had alittle of a revamp now it just takes scout with exploration IV and master marksman for Novice BH now, i know soon that armor and buffs are going to be nerfed, I think armor is going down to like 42% total, and not sure about the buffs.

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Originally posted by Darth MarcII

If you REALLY want to be effective, you could go up one of the ELITE ranged classes: Pistoleer, Carbineer, or Rifleman.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA caribaneer an elite profession ahhahahahhahahahahahahhahaha


*whipes away laughter tears*

sorry about that.... (points and giggles at Jan Gaarni)

but pistoleer and rifleman are your best bet for a pretty good ranged profession. as jan will agree with me... caribaneer sucks.. i had novice pistoleer and i culd beat a master caribaneer :) even with master pistoleer i could defeat a commando :p (with help of doctor tho)


the only time when caribaneer is effective is in combo with bounty hunter....


my advice


(looks at jan and giggles again)


Corzip Dinn

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I've been playing a bit and I am at Marksman 2322 and Brawler 1000. (some scout too, but bah)


I would like to battle as an Imperial, get ST pets and AT-ST Pets. That is pretty much what I would be doing.


Someone told me Rifleman and Teras Kasi. Is that a good choice? What about Commando or Squad Leader?



I am also looking to join a Guilde, what is a good way to find one? (One of the better ones)

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA caribaneer an elite profession ahhahahahhahahahahahahhahaha


*whipes away laughter tears*

sorry about that.... (points and giggles at Jan Gaarni)

but pistoleer and rifleman are your best bet for a pretty good ranged profession. as jan will agree with me... caribaneer sucks.. i had novice pistoleer and i culd beat a master caribaneer :) even with master pistoleer i could defeat a commando :p (with help of doctor tho)


the only time when caribaneer is effective is in combo with bounty hunter....


my advice


(looks at jan and giggles again)


Corzip Dinn



HEY! Be nice to carbineers. They're an elite profession. :D

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Where's my ban button

*looks around*



Seriously, carbineer is far from being an elite profession. I'm sure a Master Marksman could whoop my ass. :D


Ok, I'm exagerating, but it's the weakest of the 3 ranged (Carbineer, pistoleer, and rifleman) on it's own.


Having a few melee skills helps alot I hear, cause you get alot of defence skills from it, which carbineer lacks in bucketloads.


But to be truly effective in an attack, you need to couple it with Bounty Hunter.

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