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Surfing on AT-ATs


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Anyone done this? I haven't seen it posted but I'm probably wrong.


Fly a snowspeader over an AT-AT slowly and jump out on top. It's not easy because for some reason it ignores my exit vehicle command most of the time, but it's possible.


I can't seem to jump high enough as a Dark Trooper so the Snowspeader looks like the only way.


You have to continuously walk forward because you are always slipping as it moves forwards (probably because the game didn't design for AT-AT surfing!). That makes it hard to crouch or lie down, which would be the obvious way to snipe from up there.


You can perch on the neck of it, possibly even the head, but those places are small and it's easy to slip off.


I haven't thought of a huge strategic advantage of being up there. Anyone have any ideas?


I set a Wookie timebomb on top but unfortunately I fell off and it didn't do much damage anyway.


There has to be some advantage! Try it and let me know what you discover.

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You can jump out as the pilot. It would be hard to jump out as the gunner because you need to see exactly where you are going.


Maybe as a Vanguard you could run to the front of the head and drop mines in front of it. Careful though, normally when you drop a mine while an enemy vehicle is around you DIE. As a soldier you might be able to rain terror on the spawning troops below while doing damage to the AT-AT by dropping grenades off the front.


But most of all it's just cool to surf an AT-AT, and such a slap in the face to the Imperials to ride their helpless prize.


Ever since my original post I've always fallen off the side as soon as I jumped out. As the <emphasis on spelling>Wookiee</emphasis on spelling> I was left to attach time bombs to the heels of the AT-AT. They do little damage.


Anyone found a good use for the time bombs? I prefer grenades.

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