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I have gotten this list of "post ranks" from the Yoda swamp and would like to bring them here for people here to look at, if one of them is not correct, plz tell me:


0-50 = Bantha Fodder

50-100 = Pit Droid

100-150 = Sith Probe Droid

150-200 = Battle Droid

200-250 = Ewok

250-300 = Tusken Raider

300-350 = Wampa

350-400 = Jawa

400-450 = Gungan

450-500 = Bantha

500-600 = Wookiee

600-650 = Rancor

650-700 = Stormtrooper

700-750 = Sith

750-800 = Jedi

800-999 = Sith Lord

1,000+ = Jedi Master or Custom Rank

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