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Going all the way


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Just as a idea, I went through the game normally and I cheated on Taris to get to the Courtyard on Dantooine

(so I would skip losing Bastilla (my prieciouss) and the rest of my party as well as not becoming a Jedi...

. I then went throught the rest of the game and (because the game assumes you have become a jedi) found no glitches.However when I

got to the Final Battle with Malak, after beating totally, usually a cutscene happens where you talk to him, then the end game cinamatics. Instead he just stood there, clutching his side, it was quite funny...

It probably had something to do with a script during the final battle, that checks if you are a jedi, NOTE I was on god mode, so I withstood all 8 rounds of his lifes, cause I did not have any force powers...


-Adam G.

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Does anyone know what would happen if you used the saved game editor to remove your jedi class after you reached Dantooine? Presumably you could then continue to level up as your previous class.


I'm not sure if that would create problems though. I suspect it would be hard to defeat Malak and other high level force users without any Jedi powers...

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Originally posted by Prime

Does anyone know what would happen if you used the saved game editor to remove your jedi class after you reached Dantooine? Presumably you could then continue to level up as your previous class.


yes i did that and i ruined my total game

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Originally posted by Airrazor

yes i did that and i ruined my total game

Did you had all the dialogue patches installed, inlcudin this one? http://webpages.charter.net/krumsick/kotor/m12aa_c06.zip


When you find something like this with a mod, why not PM the author ( tk102 in this case) or at least mention what you did and what happened (did you game froze, did you got locked in a wing of the Ebon Hawk and when did it happened? ) in the proper thread. The solution may be quite simple, you never know...and if it happened to you , it likely happened to others. It is only with feedback that modders can improve their mods.

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Actually, the idea was to not apply any mods..., just after escaping Taris, one would not take on Bastilla's proposition to got to Dantooine, but got to all other planets instead.. You would lose Juhani and all her quests and stuff, but, hey, it's an idea.... Oh, I now get it..., it would be impossible to go through the game without the star map..... and the first clue is on Dantooine... oh, well, I guess it's not possible to be non Jedi Malak's executioner.

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