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Bounty Hunter's Cantina


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"Matt come here a sec.I don't think this is a very good idea.If i've learned anything from being a bounty hunter its this:Never go with someone of whom you are a threat to.It means this your a threat to him because your a new guy.I don't think it would be a wise decision to go with him.If you must though I'm going with you"*readies bowcaster and sheaths vibro sword.*

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I walk through the silent night, "You see kid, all good Bounty Hunters have to make good scouts. Not only good at scouting, but also at marksmenship. Theese two combined are what make a good Bounty Hunter. I had all theese in my blood, I'm a Mandalorian. You, well you might need to train. There is rumored to be an Iriaz cave around here, find it and get the light core from it. If you don't find it within 20 hours, come here. I'll have camp set up for you."

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Matt-alright(goes to cave)


Matt-this place is spooky but I can't let those muts know I am afraid.(draws rifle)




Matt-(aims and fires) Ya I got one


Matt-Sees light core. There it is (iraiz king) appears


Matt-Holy crap(throws gun aside and draws virboblade and runs at it and gets clawed and energy sheild goes out) Sh**.(Swing swords and kills it and goes and grabs the light core). I got to get back to camp.(begins to limb back to camp)


Matt(15 hrs later) Here is the core (passes out)

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"Camp. You did well as a scout, but as a marksman, we will see. Follow me, it's about this time when Iriaz herds are at the pond. You have to know theese things to become an expert scoutm which is required to be a good Bounty Hunter. We are gonna head to the pond, kill some iriaz with bullet shooting rifles, and harvest hides from them."

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