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Anakin/Vader was no hero!


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If Star Wars actually happened (no, I'm not saying it is, so hush :p ), the Empire would have kicked the Rebels' asses. We see what they do to Rebels on the Tantive IV and Hoth, but WTF is up with them shooting at the heros? It's like Stormies automatically think "gah, that's a hero, can't shoot him."


Anyway, on-topic! :)

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If Anakin was on Tatooine, there would likely be no second Death Star. Anakin on Tatooine means no Luke, no Luke means the first Death Star would probably make it, meaning a second would not be necessary. The first making it means Yavin 4 not making it. Yavin 4 not making it means the Empire is virtually unchallenged.


Without Luke, R2D2 would still be Jawa Property by the time the Empire got there. Then he would be simply taken back and destroyed. Leia would rather die than telling the Rebel base's location, so the Imperials won't find out that way.


Obi-wan will stay on Tatooine, Han and Chewie will pay off Jabba, and they never go to the Death star. The tracking device is never planted on the Millenium Falcon, so the Imperials still don't know where the rebel base is. what next? Will they start blowing up rebel planets? Ofcourse not! So without Luke, it still would've been possible for the Rebels to win, because without him, they could keep the Yavin base. But they wouldn't have their Heroes, wich where all friends of eachother or something... But neither would the Empire...




Ofcourse, with Anakin on Tatooine, there's a good chance that the Empire won't rise to power anyway, though I doubt it.


Kinda funny how the entire thing is actually started wiht Anakin leaving Tatooine...

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Originally posted by Lynk Former

That'd work better in the thread where people were argueing about why "real" guns aren't used in the Star Wars universe. XD


On my way! *raises arm as if to fly off*


*doesn't move*


*still standing there*


Shuddup I'll get it eventually...


*stays in that pose for half-hour*

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