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My idea of the perfect starwars RTS game....


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i imagine it where the map is simular to rebellion, have planets etc but the game is much much more graphically and option enchanced. I imagine where u can control fleets and it would be like those space fleet strategy games, where ur in space with a bunch of ships controlled by you, your able tobe inside the ship and look oput the tower etc like the star trek game, cotrols so much for each ship such as what fighters it holds, upgrade defense, shields, crew members, supplies etc. Watch fighyters fight in space and have the star destroyers have the right scale and look huge to the fighters etc.



The game would have grund battles simular to force commander ezxcept graphics are much better and much more units and everything is more advanced. Actually see AT-AT'S drop off 50+ troops instead of just one unit. I say instead of having just a troop a unit where it would be so unrealistic like in force commander, do sort of what total war does, have a unit be a group of troops or fighters. Have a planetary map to attack keep positions on planets instead of like rebellion where if u assault the planet u assault the whole planet at once.


this is something i hope lucas arts is doing, everything is 3d and advanced.

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Also remeber if the Petroglph website is correct and it's been in development since for half of this year plus the year they'll get next year they most likely won't have time to create their own 3D engine and do a space mode.


I wouldn't be suprised if Pertogylph were the first outside of Lucasfilms to see either a Script or the finished film for Episode 3.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I really hope and think that with the space battles reported in Episode 3, this will happen in the next RTS.


Computers, internet and connections have moved on since the last major space RTS - Rebellion/Supremacy...so heres hoping



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Viceroy they are creating a new engine. If they were not they usually release it in the press release of what engine they are mapping the game with. First you defended that they will make a good RTS now your saying the will mess up. I think we should start a thread called "Viceroy's Flip-Flops" :p

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it's been in development since for half of this year plus the year they'll get next year they most likely won't have time to create their own 3D engine and do a space mode.



I'm saying they may not have enough TIME to create their own engine AND put in a space mode.


While your at it Froz make a Thread about how Rediculously some ppl are inactive


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Viceroy, play nice.


If Space Battles can be added in decently it would be nice but personally I hope they get the ground battles sorted properly. Don't try to get space battles going if the ground battles aren't up to scratch.


Since Sithxace mentioned Force Commander I think I'd like to take this time to point out some of the things in that game that must not by any means be replicated in this new game.

[*]Music. Please Petroglyph do not follow Force Commander by including a techno-ised mix of Star Wars music. It was by far the worst part of the game. Use the proper orchestral score like SWGB did.

[*]Camera movement. Keep it simple like AoM's or WC3's camera movement. In Force Commander the camera always faced a different way to the minimap, and when you finally got the camera in a good position a cut scene would play and totally reset your camera position. That was incredibly frustrating and confusing.

[*]Shortcut keys. Don't go against convention like Force Commander did. There is now a general consensus as to RTS shortcut keys, so much so that when Zero Hour was released EA had to put in the option to use the convention rather than their shortcuts.

[*][Feel of the movies. Force Commander barely resembled the movies at all. SWGB was much better in this regard but still not very close to the movies. Take some tips from Battle For Middle Earth on how to get an RTS looking just like the movies.


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I never said following the movies to the letter. I said recreate the feel of the movies. Battle for Middle Earth doesn't follow the movies to the letter, but follows it close enough so that it manages to recreate the feel of the movies. On the other hand Force Commander only loosely follows the movies and as such completely fails to capture the feel of the movies.


Stop trying to nitpick something I didn't even say. This is exactly the same problem the good people at Imperial Assault had with my suggestions. They completely misunderstood what I was saying so completely ridiculed me for something I didn't even suggest.

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Actually your biggest Supporter there is Squire James though I think that's only because Captain Ardmrinson isn't your biggest fan based on your reputation alone and those two flame with a vengance.


I'm not anti Vostok Vostok I just think sometimes your ideas are a little to extreme when it comes to sticking to the movies yet you are better than most and certainly preferaqble over the much destested Box.

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Originally posted by DK_Viceroy

Actually your biggest Supporter there is Squire James though I think that's only because Captain Ardmrinson isn't your biggest fan based on your reputation alone and those two flame with a vengance.

Well that certainly proves my point. I am familiar with Squire James, as he was (and I presume still is) a major contributor to IA when I was there. Captain Ardmrinson on the other hand I have never heard of, so can only assume he joined after I had left and formed his own opinion of me without ever having participated in any of my threads. So if one person actually participated in discussion with me while the other person never even posted a word to me, who are you more likely to assume is the better informed of the two?
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