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Exile Identity


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I'm sorry if this has already been brought up, but I'm new, and a scan of the forum hasn't revealed it. Faced with another Jedi amnesiac, who is this person? What's on my mind right now, is that the Exile is Revan. Would this be feasibly possible?

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Originally posted by Kreia

I'm sorry if this has already been brought up, but I'm new, and a scan of the forum hasn't revealed it. Faced with another Jedi amnesiac, who is this person? What's on my mind right now, is that the Exile is Revan. Would this be feasibly possible?

OE has told us that the Exile (Our PC) is Not Revan but one of the Jedi that rallied to Revan's call to arms during the Mandalorian War.


Also OE has stated on multiple occasions that our PC in KOTOR:TSL will Not have amnesia or any other memory loss.


We will begin the game returning to civilized space after putting ourselves into self-imposed exile, our connection to the Force diminished. (An RPG-esque excuse for us to start at Level 1 no doubt.)


I hope this helps! And welcome to the forums Kreia! :D

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I've read in gamespy or the other one (I got the heads up from this forum) that our PC (exile) wakes up in a Kolto chamber (remember those soldiers in the Taris Upper city hospital?) and doesn't know how he got there or how long. No amniesa or memory wipes, no. Our guy knows who he is and all about his past but was rendered unconcious for over five years?! I'll let the devs slide on that one. A wounded veteran of the Mandalorian war wakes up and needs to be brought up to speed. He looses touch with the force and needs to train all over again. Atrophy must have also taken a toll on him because he's so weak and can't do all the cool acrobatics most jedi can do at first. He'll have to beef up some during the game... some how;)

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Originally posted by starmark2k

but didn't go to the darkside and went back to the jedi. He was then thrown out of the order.

I'm sorry but this is incorrect, the PC went into a self-imposed exile for unknown reasons, I'm sure will be revealed to us as part of the story.

Originally posted by starmark2k

He is the character you play as who has short term memory lost as it seems.

OE has stated on multiple occasions that there will be no amnesia or memory loss of any kind. So however we are starting out in the game, we are supposedly returning from the fringes of space and have no idea what has transpired since the time of when we left.


I'm quite sure the beginning cinematic will answer some of our questions of why we are where we are as well. :D

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