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Suicide Solution


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I was just thinking a few days back how many times I tried to kill myself.And, well...about 20 times.

I cut my wrists and didn't die.Once I tried jumping off a building but, I thought "what if I don't die?".I took pills and vodka, nothing.I slept in the snow, I had 40 C, I got better.

And do a lot of stupid and painful things like:hit rugged trees with my bare hands till blood starts splatering all over my face.

I try to cut off the circulation to my brain in the middle of the class.

I put out my cigars on my hands, twice.

And I was wondering If there are other nutcases like me out there.If one of you ever tried one of these things or something else, let me know.

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Wouldn't say I'm the same, but I've been friends with those who have. Actually, I had a real fee-yucked up friendship a cutter, addicted to both attention and self-destruction. She would unknowingly try to manipulate people with the ways she hurt herself. Of course, this cause all of her friends to abandon her, except me. You're saying, "oh, how heroic," right? No. Bad Idea. Being her crutch was a STUPID thing. I think she gave me like three "last phone calls". I'd talk her out of it, but that's all she wanted....for someone to talk her out of it. Looking back, I regret it. I should have let her kill herself. She had a good family and she was very fortunate, and since that wasn't good enough for her, she probably shouldn't be living life. Gahhhh... Bitch is the reason I've got so many communication issues.


Okay, sorry about revealing my life story all of a sudden. Too much caffiene for me.


On a less personal note: We've all thought about suicide. It's healthy to think to think about that sort of thing. Although don't solicit necroman's behavior, but it depends on why he does it.

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In a way I can understand that someone would like to think and even attempt suicide, but to me it just sounds too... I don't know. I know some kids who are stupid attention whores and talk about suicide while they don't even realise the seriousness of the matter. Nowadays it seems to be cool to be the lonely Goth who cuts herself. :rolleyes: That is why I am always sceptic about people who say the want/have tried to commit suicide.


Someone once said that people who really are desperate enough don't go around advertising their attempts. Only those who want attention and be cool, and don't really want to die do that.

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But sometimes that attention addiction is equally as fatal. My friend had done it for attention but that didn't make her any less of a nutcase. In fact, it made her more of one. And sometimes people just think cutting theirselves is the only way to properly communicate with someone. Like sometimes when I get real downsome for a month or so I think that perhaps hurting myself would be a better way to let people know that I feel seriously ****ed up instead telling someone that. In fact, one of the problems is, when people do say that, most people don't listen. So if someone comes up to you and says they've been totally on the bottom for a while, BELIEVE THEM. Otherwise you're going to get about twelve last phone calls a day, usually from the same person.

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That is a very good point, JofaGuht. I know what you mean, but I only understand it now that you said it. The lack of any experiences like that stops me from fully comprehensing the matter. I only know those annoying teenage girls who think they are being so cool and dramatic. I have never known or met anyone with real problems. I hope I never will, either.


And I'm not the most compassionate person in the world, so that could also explain it. Or perhaps I'm a snob who has always had everything fine.

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Nicer? Could be. I am e-mailing with a young American girl and the stories she tells me about her school, friends and teachers are terrifying. If someone can get sued for bullying, the situation must be quite bad. Or it could be just her school or the fact that she has had a very ****ty life.


EDIT: Wow, just realised that this board automatically censors bad words. :rolleyes:

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I have a friend. Some times ago, her life was full of problems, and things like that. When she cut herself, it felt like she was free from the pain... Buut... She found a solution. And I think that's a solution for everyone, problems or not... The solution is Jesus! If you want to know more about the solution, you're welcome to PM me....



-Take Care...

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Don't worry, we'll point and laugh the first guy who said it.


I'm kidding. I know a lot of people find a very positive solution in that, but keep in mind, for everyone who's "saved" by Jesus there's someone who wants kill themself for the religion that's put on them, or, equally as common, someone harmed by a psychological addiction to their god.


I'm not saying finding solace in Christ is wrong, I'm just saying that though sometimes it can be very healthy, it can also but very unhealthy as well.

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Yeah, I know what you mean. One of those fanatics is related to me. When I was a child I went to interview her about her childhood for my school project, but she ended up making me read some religious texts written by a handicapped fanatic. It was scary.


Also, another Christian fanatic who lives next to me used to tell me terrible stories of what happens to people who don't believe in God. It has been over ten years since it happened, but I can still remember a story about a girl who was torn apart by needles and how her father never slept after that. That was scary. :D

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Originally posted by ZaXeriaw

What will happens to people who don't believe in God, after life, is scary.


Yes, but I can't stand people who throw it to my face all the time. I am a Christian, but I believe that religion is evereyone's personal business and people who act like their religion is the only true one really piss me off. Like my neighbour.


This wasn't targeted at you in any way, by the way.

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Originally posted by El Virus

I found praying to be very relaxing on stressful, or complicated moments, but I'm not such a religious person.


I agree with you. Prayer works as a great meditation. A term I like before is "sacred silence" that means basically anything that will clear one's mind. For some, a sacred silence could be music or sleep. I think the term "sacred silence" could definitely be used with prayer.


Originally posted by ZaXeriaw What will happens to people who don't believe in God, after life, is scary. Anyway, I wasn't kiddin'. I mean, if you have a problem, why not try to pray for it. It haven't hurt someone before....


This is the exact mindset I was talking about earlier. That exact belief of "if you don't comply with God, you'll be punished eternally" is the belief that can really hurt someone. People have both killed themselves and killed others over a ridiculous belief like that.


Restating earlier, I do think religion does help some people, and I'm all for the power of prayer. But when it comes to prayer, there are emotional dependencies. I think its okay to pray for a problem, but for people to do that too much leads to a lack of independence. Sometimes, when you've got a problem, fixing it yourself can help. It's been clinically proven ;).

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Originally posted by JofaGuht




....That exact belief of "if you don't comply with God, you'll be punished eternally" is the belief that can really hurt someone.


Hehee... I aked myself that question some times ago. Buuut.... If you say, that people that doesn't believe in God, will be punished, I can tell you, that Hell wasn't ment to be for human beings, but for Satan and his demons. But when a human sin, and don't believe in Jesus Christ, he don't get the forgiveness, you can say that is required to get saved.

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hehe, I'd thought you'd notice this by now...

I just like getting you people to discuss these topics, my topics.

Eventhough I really did those things mentioned above it gets worse.

I have disciples, worshipers, call 'em as you like.And I have my own cult.They worship Cthulhu and I'm their leader.

JofaGuht does that chic you were talkin' 'bout earlyer have an' e-mail adress? I'll give her reasons...

If you have anymore questions about these kinda' things or my cult (Voodoo Defenders), let me know.


P.S.I know you're gonna hate me for what I wrote above but you'll have to forgive me.

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Originally posted by ZaXeriaw

Hehee... I aked myself that question some times ago. Buuut.... If you say, that people that doesn't believe in God, will be punished, I can tell you, that Hell wasn't ment to be for human beings, but for Satan and his demons. But when a human sin, and don't believe in Jesus Christ, he don't get the forgiveness, you can say that is required to get saved.


This is a more peaceful way of looking at it, but keep in mind that's not how the belief is enforced on people. The statement I used ealier is closer to how most people are raised around the belief, and THAT is hurtful.


Originally posted by Necroman JofaGuht does that chic you were talkin' 'bout earlyer have an' e-mail adress? I'll give her reasons...


Actually she's better now, I think. She got sent to a good private school and discovered she was a lesbian; she's gotten stronger. I'm still not going to hang out with her, though. Too many bad memories.


Also, as manipulative as the beginning of the thread was, I don't hate you. This type of heated argument is something I'd like to see more often at the the forums.


Also, there's this book you got to read called "Survivor" by Chuck Palahniuk. A quote that really applies to this conversation is "The only difference between suicide and martyrdom is press coverage." It's one of my favorite novels.

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