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Republic Jetpacks/Lack of autobalance

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I'm sorry if you are a jetpack lover but I'm sick of playing on servers where there are 20 human players and 15 of them are playing jetpackers for the Republic while 5, completely outnumbered, struggle vainly for 2 minutes as CIS before inevitable defeat.


Either this game needs an autobalance feature or the 5th class should be restricted to perhaps a maximum of 2 per server. Or the clone jetbacker's airtime should be reduced ala the Dark Trooper.

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Originally posted by Darth W Bush

excuse my n00bness, but how does auto-balancing work?


If every human player jumps onto the Republic side the computer force-moves players to the CIS side until the number of human players on each side are equal.


Most multi-player shooters have this feature nowdays.

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