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Alternate Star Wars - Vuana 20 Year War (Part1, Thaldoria Siege)


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Suddenly alarms began to ring and right lights flared in the corridors. The Thaldorian soldiers rushed down the hallways in paniced scurry at first they were in casual uniform but gradually more and more had donned thier armor.


Joth'loel returned to his men in the lounge area, "The base is under attack!" Joth'loel said as he came in the door, when Joth'loel was amongst his men he continued. "Our Company is too small to participate and this isn't our station. We won't get involved unless the situation becomes desprate, for now we're waiting to be reassigned. I've requested to keep all of you under my command but I wanted to ask you guys if you wanted to be reassigned here immideately or ship back to our home post on Mandalore." Joth'loel waited for his men to reply.

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Ap walked down the corridor, and eavsdropped on a conversation


"I don't know sir, ever since we came into the planets systems, all of our Com's have been jammed, and I keep getting a reading of something. I can't quite make it out but it seems to be a craft...but thats impossible."

The captain looked at the reading "Damn new technology isn't worth my time. Lets just keep going into orbit." After he finished these words, a voice echoed threw the ship. "Captain you need to see this..." The captain left and Ap followed casually and inconspicuously. When he got there he couldn't belive his eyes, a Vuana battle craft had taken over a craft he'd never seen before. "Those..damned..." before he finished he saw the attack comming in. The ship made a sudden jerk "Sir! They are breaching the hangar!"

The Captain yelled over the system "I want everyone we have on those bastards! I need Security to the hangars, Gunners to the guns, Pilots follow security. We will show them what we've got."

Ap ran towards the hangar, the alarms blared down the corridors "This is my chance, I will make my mark for my people." When he got to the Hangar, he could see the Vuana begining to break through the hangar door. He watched the sheild come across the door, knowing that would lonly keep the air in when they broke through, he got ready to fire.


The Vuana were merciless, their were only about 20 of them, but they were skilled enough to kill of many men before they could be taken down. Ap and the other security officers began to fire at the creatures, protecting the pilots. The Vuana killed 10 pilots, 3 security men and injured 15 more before being killed. Ap looked up, nomore came out. He felt proud, beliving they were the last. But, alarms rang once again, it was no attack...the air lock was beginning to shut down. Ap ran towards the door, but a Vuana survivor grabbed him and he tripped. Ap glared and stabbed the Vuanna with his Vibroblade. It was too late, the lockdown was initiated, he was locked in. He looked around and found only one option. "The ship...I have to use the ship." He got into a ship and strapped in.

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Ap qan the other pilots waited for the hangar doors to open. He frantically searched each button until he got the ship to start. The repulsorlift came online, and the doors began to open. The Vuana ship fell off as the ships hull brushed it off the hangar doors. The Pilots immediately flew out of the ship and combat had begun, but Ap had just noticed soemthing, his ship was diffrent. His ship was significantly slower than the others, and had a thicker hull. "This isn't a fighter..." He then remembered hearing soemthing about this ship, that they might substitute escape pods with it. " I can't shoot with an escape pod!" He then felt the ship jerk as he was hit with a blast. He though as quickly as he could and thought about the other ship. " An overruned ship means more ships.." Ap felt the engines of the pod ignite and then blast him at an angle towards the planet. He toggled the controls but he couldn't control it. The ship entered the atmosphere, he saw many ships comming out of the overrunned ship, and then flames engulfed his pod. Luck was his only chance now...



When Ap woke up, he broke the door off and climbed out, He looked around and got out. He could hear voices...

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"Griff," Joth'loel said turning around to face the new arrival, "I was just explaining our situation." Joth'loel repeated what he had just told the others before continuing.


"It's not safe to leave the planet yet because of the attack so we stay and wait for word from our home unit."


Just then the door opened again and an officer from the present base entered the room. "Protector Torscier," He said turning to Joth'loel. "You and your men should eaquip your armor. We're not asking you to fight but the base has come under attack. Precautions should be taken."


"Very well, thank you." Joth'loel answered before the man left. Then turning to his men, "Suit up men."

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The idea of not helping bothered Ziltro. He couldn't just stand still and do anything. Ziltro overheard what the officer of the base just said. "Suit up for what?" he mumbled to himself. Ziltro thought that the Mandalorian armor he wore was sufficient enough. He could see only a few people that were with him back in space.

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"on my way sir." Griff said turned and left the lounge he ran to the medbay grabbed his gear which was in one of the lockers, he got it on and then ran back to the lounge.

"my squad was killed in the crash, either i need my own squad or i join yours."

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"Alright men, weapons check. Everyone form up," Joth'loel ordered. It took a few seconds but when everyone was lined up Joth'loel walked by each one checking for injuries, damage in their armor, and how much ammo and grenades they each had left.


When Joth'loel was done he adressed the Company. "Okay, before we visit the weapons locker and armory for ammo, repairs, and re-arming I need to re-organize our splintered ranks." Joth'loel took a few pacing steps before continueing. "Considering all those we've lost, and more wounded, we don't even have enough men for a full platoon. So..." Joth'loel took a few more steps and stopped, then turned to face his men, "I'm going to put everyone in two squadrons with uneven numbers. Sonny," the Protector looked Sonny in the eyes, "You get command of the first squadron. Keep your four men and I'll give you some more. Griff," Joth'loel turned to Griff, "You can join Sonny's squad, I know you're both the same rank but Sonny has command so obey his orders." Joth'loel continued to divide his soldiers until two teams had been formed.


After they were finished another Thaldorian officer came into the room, he chatted with Joth'loel a moment mostly discussing how his wounded would be taken care of and what his company would be doing during the attack.


When they were finished Joth'loel turned back to his men, "Squad leaders take your men to get armed with ammo and any weapons that were lost in the battle, also new parts for damaged armor in the armory. I'm going to check up on our wounded and see if our orders have come in yet. Dismissed."


Joth'loel left his men to eaquip themselves, he had other buissness to attend. With that he left for the medical quarters.


Meanwhile alien landing parties had begun to descend into Thaldoria's atmosphere carring troops and land vehicles, an army bringing war to a system of peaceful worlds.


When Joth'loel arrived in the medical bay he was brought to a recent arrival, the Mandalorians of Thaldoria had found him fainted outside near the base. He didn't seem to even be a Mandalorian but the Thaldorians hoped that Joth'loel would know him since Joth'loel and his men were the only other outsiders from their base to have arrived.


Ap lay wounded in a hospital bed; his wounds had been tended to. Joth'loel stirred him, "Who are you?"

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Sonny spoke to his men. "All right, grab any weapon you want and can use. Get as many grenedes as you can. We'll meet back here. "

Sonny went and got a subautomatic rifle with a scope, the four other members each got a weapon fitting their specialtyl, one a heavy automatic gun, one a sniper rifle, and the rest any weapon they could use well.

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"any weapon eh?" Griff walked down the armory looking at all the weapons, he reached a rusty old locker at the back, he opened it, with some difficulty, and pulled out a automatic rifle, he saw other atachments.

"cool, a rifle that can chnage into what's this, a sniper rifle and a anti-armour rifle, sweet." griff put the extra parts into his pockets and held the rifle out and joined the squad.

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Ziltro headed to the armory and looked around the various guns and rifles mounted on the wall. He walked over to a blaster rifle and picked it up. "This is better than my two pistols, for now." Ziltro said to himself as he stuffed battery packs for the blaster rifle as well as gernades into his belt pockets. Once Ziltro was done getting all the equipment that was necessary to him, he headed back to where he was before.

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Ap groaned a little, and thought I must be back on the ship he opened his eyes, and his vision was blurry but beginning to focus. When he saw Joth'loel he would've catapulted out of the bed had his injuries not kept him from doing so. "You're...you're like me! How...how is that possible?" he looked around a little frightened, from spending time with more species that didn't even ressemble human form. He decided to try and calm down, and said as steadily as he could "I-I'm Officer Apolejeic Goeus of the battle ship Introsphere my last memory is seeing blood all over my body, and the air seems alot thicker. Where am I? Who are you?"

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Griff marched to the battle and possibly his death with the rest of the squad. a bunch of memories came back to him, playing with his brother when they were kids, his many many girlfriends in advanced school, his 14th birthday when he got his first blaster pistol. Griff then thought to himself i will keep these memories alive, for i will not die today!

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As Ap catapulted out of the hospital bed the nurse tried to get him back in the bed, "Calm down sir, just relax," She said in a gentle voice.


Joth'loel listened to Ap's questions, "Your on the planet Thaldoria, we are the Mandalorians and Thaldoria is one of our worlds. I don't know how you ended up here but you sure picked a bad time. We're in the middle of being invaded by an unknown alien race far more advanced than we are. I must tend to my own wounded soldiers but you may direct all your questions to the doctor," Joth'loel motioned towards the doctor who stepped fowards to examine Ap. Joth'loel moved on to check up on his men.


Suddenly the lights in the base shut off and every room was pitched black, a rummble followed and the base shook violently. When the shaking and rummbling ceased the lights came back on. People all around started murmuring until an announcement was made over the intercom speakers.


"Attention all combat personel prepare for immediate combat, all non-combat personel go to the nearest bunker. This is a code red alert; the base is no longer safe; we are under attack."


Joth'loel ran towards the armory where his men were.


Meanwhile the base's defenses had been overcome and the Vuanna were about to bombard the base with a full assult along with all the Thaldorian military bases on nearly half the planet. The battle in the sky continued not looking good for the Mandalorians. Rienforcements were on their way but still hadn't arrived.

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Ap looked to the doctor, "I'm not going to sit down during this attack, the scum nearly killed me, and I'm going to fight." He stood up, he was remarkably feeling better They're medical technology must be more advanced than I thought... Ap picked up his Cortosis armor and his cloths, he grabed his rifle and waited. He always were given orders, he wondered wether to stay in the building and defend to wounded, or go out into the lines. He was use to commanding his own men...but he didn't know these other people's customs...





Up in the air the battle was intense, the fight seemed like it could go on forever, the vuana seemed almost every time able to match the ships attacks.

The captain yelled to the pilots," Lets aim all out guns at the main ship, let the fighters handle the fighters"

All the ships guns turned and fired at the Vuana attack ship, and the captian watched, and hoped.

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