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Castlevania rp(don't come if u haven't at least played one of the games)


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Seems interesting.


Name - Max Preston

Age - 23

Height - 5'11

Weight - 200lbs

Eye Color - Brown

Hair Color - Light Brown

Weapons - Long Sword

Sub Weapon - Two retractable blades underneath both sleeves of his trench coat.

Bio - At a fairly young age, Max friend, Nicholas, was killed by Dracula in front of his very own eyes. After fleeing from the horrid scene, Max encountered a large wolf, which bit him. A local priest banished the wolf. The priest then took him to a church where Max's wounds were healed. Without knowing it, the wolf that bit Max was actually a werewolf. Once he found out what he turned into, he hides from a full moon whenever it appears.

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Before proceeding thru the path that leads to Dragula's castle, Max noticed that someone was coming thru a forest near the path. "Whose there?" he shouted raising his sword. He stared at the bushes that were ruffling.




(Out of Character: Hint hint, that can be your character Curt-Man. :D )

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Max sheaths his sword as he walked slowly towards Jake and Matt. "So I guess all of us are after the same person." He smirked as he finished his sentence.




(Out of Character: Is that how u spell shieve? :lol: I tried spell checking it but no luck. )

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(Out of Character: I'm not that familar with it.)




Max hurried and caught up with Matt and Jake. He encounted various skeletons which he beat with ease. Out of breath, Max spoke. "Sorry...about..." Max took a deep breath and continued to speak, "...that." He leaned his elbow on the hilt of his sword and listened to what Matt just said. "What is a legion?" Max asked Matt.

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ooc-The Legion is a behemothic, sinister foe. Its soul is the only |

| one that can be missed in the game; therefore, to get it, you |

| have got to be careful NOT to destroy the inner core before |

| getting rid of the outer grey quarters of the Legion's shell! |

| Equip Mystletain; it packs holy power that the Legion is weak |

| against, and its reach will not allow you to hit at the core |

| too easily. Starting hacking at the surface of the Legion, |

| making your slashes as shallow as you can. Also, run around the|

| room a lot, only turning around to deliver a few blows on the |

| Legion, so you won't get cornered and massacred. Always wait |

| until you lure the Legion to either the top or bottom of the |

| room, then you can easily slash-and-run. |

| |

| Hacking off the bottom half of the shell first is better; this |

| way, you can slide under it as it drifts toward you and press |

| the attack further. |

| |

| As parts of the shell of the Legion drop off, the inner core |

| will be exposed; twisting, mechanical arms will stick out and |

| start firing lasers at regular intervals. But these are |

| inaccurate, so don't worry about them. The more shell you |

| hack off, the more arms; after the four quarters of the shell |

| are knocked off, concentrate ALL your attacks on the core, |

| eluding the lasers as you go. |

| |

| Somtimes, the core will retract its laser arms and bounce |

| around the room for a short period of time; slide and backdash |

| to avoid getting hit by the core and keep slashing as it comes.|


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