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What's the odds of a Sith War Period Game?


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Whether it was graphic novels and now the KOTOR games, they've provided enough information about it to wet everyone's appetite for more. I know they picked the timetable of KOTOR because of the lack of material covering it, which provided them with more of a creative license. Still, the fact that the Galactic Civil War period has been so heavily drawn upon does not hinder further games from being produced. (Jedi Knight, TIE Fighter, XWA)Lucasarts is probably awfully busy right now dealing with stuff pertaining to Episode III, but in a couple of years and after consistent enough begging, do you think they would base a game during that period? I've already given up hope on an X-Wing Alliance sequel.

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I think because KOTOR is based at a similar time frame there will be no other games in this time frame other than furthur KOTORS. mainly because the only other type of game (other than RPG) that would fit this time frame would be a FPS and there is already a FPS series based in star wars (Jedi Knight) which is based after ROTJ.


Sorry but i think the chances are pretty low, but theres always a chance

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