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Dissapointed. Anyone Else?


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Compared to the first game this is an utter pant load. The new force powers and feats cannot hide the flaws in this game. KOTOR was probably the best game I have ever played and while I realize sequels are not often on par with their originals I did expect better than what I got. When I was playing I felt though it was some sort of obligation not because I enjoyed it. I just wanted to keep going in hopes the game would have some major redeeming quality, but it didn’t. I think if they had spent a few more months on the story, characters, and environments STL could have been something to be proud of but this game here is a shame. I am not going to put any spoilers, but prepare to be disappointed. I was wondering if anyone felt the same way.

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While I am enjoying the game, I do have to admit that there are lot more glitches compared to the latest PC version of KotOR I. Some dialogue not matching up with the subtitles, on Nar Shadaa (sp?) I've got two characters that um, shouldn't be where they are...it doesn't feel as solid as KotOR I fully patched. Also, there are some strange things--such as on Nar Shadaa, one guy gave me a lightsaber for completing a side quest. Which would have made sense if it had been a Jedi or Sith, but it wasn't. In fact, there was no mention of the lightsabre, I just received it out of nowhere. Weirdness. Lastly, I do feel the story line is a little too...murky. There have been several times where I've just been running around, just waiting to stumble into whatever it is I'm supposed to do next....


All that aside, I am enjoying the game. And that's all that's important, right? Right. :D

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Originally posted by Switchy

There is a place for people like you, It's called rehab, It will take care of your smack addiction.


KotOR II rocks the casbah! :emodanc:


hmm, id rather say that those who make bad word for TSL do not belong in rehab..they belong in a place called

- this part of the post has been removed by Darth333 -



enuff said..


"you dont like Kotor ll?!" *force crush* -you recived light points-

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You have your opinion as other will have theirs.


I love KOTOR2 more then I liked KOTOR1, the reason being is all the new enhancments given to the game, and the ammount of things you can unlock with the influence portion of the game.


I will admit they could of spent another month or two working out certian things, like the nasty gliches it CAN have, even though I have yet for it to freeze on me and im on my second play through as a DS Female.


Also I would of liked it if I was able to get the saber early on in the game, but by some one who SHOULD have one. Mainly items are random when you go through alot of the chests, or save someone, some you will get all the time others are just random which is a pain in the ass yet good at the same time. Either way someone who doesnt have the force or have any connections to the jedi nor make any attempt to tell you they have a saber shouldnt give you one.


Errors aside, I like it alot.

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As Rafe stated above, I was also let down by the whole Lightsaber aquisition part of the game, for me it took too damn long and wasn't what it should have been.


But the game as a whole is not that bad, there is a lot about it I really like, I just have the one above complaint, plus the apparent lack of adequate testing that the game got before release... I guess now we see how MS "weighed-in" on the XBox release of TSL... it was a little too early IMO.. rushed out to net MS its extra holiday $$$.


I do like the new eyecandy, the Lab Stations, Workbenches, NPC's, Armors, Robes, and the randomness of the items the Merchants have as well as the Containers, it adds flavor to the game, KOTOR was predictable in that all the placeables had the same stuff and it consequently forced you to play the game a certain way to get these items ASAP.


Though I really wouldn't mind some "giveitem" cheats on the XBox though! :D

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This is all completely opinion, I am not a game critic. If you don't care what my opinion is don't read on. But to sum it up, TSL had the potentially to be better than it's predecessor but falls as short as a jawa hearding bantha, in the end.






My 2,000,000,000 cents on TSL.


The Good

Mod community’s influence! (Best part of the game and I thank you all for it, modder and devs alike.)

The new item creation system is astounding! (Second best part of the game.)

It’s Star Wars and it’s the sequel to KOTOR. (Both of which I adore.)

More stuff to play around with than the first.

Blasters can be much better, which makes non-Jedi characters better too.

All skills (except persuasion) are much more important than in KOTOR(1).

The new robes are cool.

You can get up to level 50.

The first ¾ of the game are every bit as good as KOTOR(1) with regards to quality.

Lots of new powers and feats.

The continuation of the characters from the first.


The Bad

Too many places where the plot jumps around without any explanation.

Extremely convoluted storyline.

At least 4 minor quests are bugged enough to be able to make them not work (though there may be more).

Most of the party members feel unimportant.

Not as many quests as the first.

Dialogues run around in circles.

Some dialogue options don’t work and the answers are even less diverse than in KOTOR(1) even though the options are greater.

No lightsaber until you are 1/4 through the game, even though you are a quasi-Jedi at the start.

Skills are too important in some ways and persuasion has almost no redeeming factor.

All PC characters are the same despite class selection because you have most of the good powers and feats level 20.

The repeated referencing of the first game will leave those who haven’t played it in the dark.

Like all diseases, these are only the symptoms of something far worse…

The last ¼ of the game is pathetically easy and obviously unfinished.


The Ugly

The bad list is longer than the good list.

It’s not worthy of the title KOTOR 2 (in its current state).

The game is unbalanced and unfinished.

The game starts out great! And then falls flat…


Comments (e.g. completely opinionated rant)

First off, let me tell you what many web-based reviewers probably wish that they had told you from the start. Many of them didn’t finish the game before they wrote their reviews, they simply couldn’t have finished it and still hold a job reviewing video games - there is absolutely no way! The first ¾ of TSL are as good as they say. It’s the last ¼ that leaves your head spinning and the last 1/8 that utterly sucks. Secondly, since the day that this game was released I have played through it four times all the way through, good and evil, male and female, so I am somewhat qualified to make the above and below statements even though I will acknowledge that this portion is all opinion. Now, on to the meat of my opinions.

Even on the hardest setting, the game is just too easy and the Sith Lords are about as difficult to defeat as Sith Lords of the Dance. On my third time through the game, with my purposely gimped high Int, 8 Wis, 8 Cha Jedi Consular, I died once because I sneezed several times in a row and my character was fighting alone even though I could have had companions while I was trying to find ways to make the game more challenging. Obviously I discovered that sneezing repeatedly while Sith cut you in half with lightsabers is a good way to make anything more difficult to do.

The plot itself, to include the dialogue, starts out great and there are some truly great twists and turns and your character can effect the plot more than in KOTOR(1). Like the character development, the illusion abruptly ends. Though it at first appears quite sturdy, the dialogue should have been checked for fluidity because it runs around in circles over and over again, and not just by selecting the same (or similar) questions over and over again. There are also many times when your character will discover some new and important facts more than once - how dense can one Jedi be? But by the end of the game I didn’t care. I was trying so hard to understand what the hell the developers were thinking, that neither the circular and sometimes sideways dialogue, the jumpy and jagged plot nor the “grand finale” of a flop seemed important. At least they succeeded in covering up an obviously unfinished game in the sense that they distracted me from it. And yes, the force powers help hide the game’s unbalanced and mechanical suckiness too.

Which brings me to my closing, and opinionated, gripe, and the one thing that actually really got to me about TSL. With KOTOR(1), I felt the (albeit illusory) sense of a nearly living breathing galaxy. By the end of TSL I felt the sense of a nearly completed video game. To put it simply, it’s not polished to a shine, it’s not finessed to perfection, it’s not even finished. This game isn’t done! There are missing animations, characters in odd places, easily broken quests, complete quests that are noticeably bugged, plot and dialogue repeats, plot and dialogue repeats and a bunch more minor gripes. But in the end, all of those little things add up, especially with what passes for an “end” in TSL. It’s so obviously unfinished that, once completed, the whole game feels… pointless. After playing through this game four times, I will never give it a second thought except to say, “I remember how great that game almost was…” For being great (enough) ¾ of the way through and being absolute bantha fodder the other ¼, I give it a less than a KOTOR(1) worthy 7.5 out of 10. If there is never another KOTOR game, the story will, for me, have ended ¾ of the way through episode 2 (kind of like the whole Star War movies ended at episode 6).


For Obsidian (more opinion)

I wanted to take a moment to say that I truly love the first ¾ of this game and I love Obsidian for making it (even with all of the minor flaws). However, it is painfully (and I do mean painfully) obvious that this is an unfinished product. It is equally as apparent that this game too is only a symptom to a far larger problem. Yes, I am speaking of the death of small developers (though I don’t know the exact team size). It saddens me because I know that without Obsidian (a small developer), there wouldn’t even be a KOTOR 2. But even then, it has only been about one year since the first game and releasing a game a year later is unnecessary when most games take a lot longer to develop. Whoever muscled you into releasing this game so early (and I assume that the devs didn’t choose to ruin their good names) should be finding a new job.

I am equally as disappointed with the knowledge that this game didn’t have to be released this incomplete. What were you guys thinking? I would have preferred that you didn’t make a new item system and didn’t include all of the others bells and whistles that you did and got the basics right first. It could have been the exact same game, no mechanical changes and no modder influences, with nothing but new areas and a few more levels and there would have been the same fanfare and devotion (and money). In trying to do better, you have succeeded in many ways but in trying to do as well, you have failed in many ways. I don’t expect you to be Bioware, but like all people who pay $50 for a game, I expect a finished product. Next time, wait the extra six months and release a finished game. Either that, or sell your games for $12.50 less.


For the fanboys (I’m a fanboy too!)

I really like the combat system, so please don’t go there, for me, it is a non-issue. What I am trying to say is that I am not just some “hater”. I am a lover. I love Star Wars so much that I would want to have George Lucas’ kids if I were a woman. I love KOTOR so much that it is my favorite RPG ever - an 11 out of 10 in my book and second only to a handful of old-school games that I adore and the Halo series. I love Bioware so much that, no matter what they make, if it says Bioware I buy it (Planescape Torment fanboys unite!). I also like Obsidian and I REALLY TRULY appreciate that they have made this game. I may have even been persuaded to have their children if the game were completed and the last quarter of plot development less convoluted. And there are a lot of things that I really, really love about TSL. I liked it enough to play through it four times. But even with all of this taken into consideration, having found the game’s completion just as lacking four times through, I still give this game a 7.5. If I weren’t such a fan of all of these things, I would have given it even less. Thank you for reading, and sorry if you disagree.


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Well said zonzai!


You expressed my exact feelings over this game....


And I cant agree more with the whole



last quarter of the game is incomplete, rushed, unfinished, almost like this was their "Plan B' ending if they didn't have time to finish it properly. And WAY to many loose ends, that I cannot tie up, no matter how hard I try.



But overall, I have enjoyed it tremendously, otherwise I would not have played as many times through as I have.


For some reason in KotOR(1) I never played it much after completing it the first time, since the whole plot twist was revealed, I didnt see much point, but I still loved it.


As for Kotor II:



It seems to me that the whole story serves only to explain game mechanics, ie: levelling up, experience commanding the party etc. Just my view on it. I found it detracted from my gameplay experience by "subtley" reminding me of the game mechanics, then just drawing me into the story. Who knows.



And these are just my opinions, as flawed as they may be.

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It's just a cliffhanger. I don't have a problem with that either. It just seems underdeveloped throughout the rest of the game and then all of the sudden... BAM! plot overload. Kinda like they just tried too hard or something. That's the way I look at it anyway. Even then it would have been okay if it weren't for three very disappointing "sith lord" battles that precede it. They just leave you looking for some redeeming quality, because the first parts of the game were so good, but the end never produces anything of the sort. Hence, the ending anti-climactic in the whole and an "utter pantload" in some people's opinions. I would just call it underdeveloped and anti-climactic myself.

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I was dissapointed at the lack of type of robes, NO GOOD OR BAD ENDING :((i dont think atleast since i was clouded at the end)


This BIGGEST Dissapointment i experienced was the ending

right after you defeat the final boss and you talk for about 10 seconds or so it goes to a cutscene, ship flys out, Malachor 5 blows up, ship goes off in the distance and it goes to credits...WTF?! what happends to them after that?


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