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I enjoyed your responces.


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I enjoyed your responses. to bad you gut=ys are optimistic. Smear my atoms around space? please try to do that to me. you guys will have missles trailing your asses the moment i enter a battle.

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BLAZER obviously you ignored my post it the other thread.. i acccepted you challage, and am waiting for your reply, so far all i got is pointless postureing... here it is.. READ!


Can i challllange you?

I just dispise arrogance and Hubris. and i will kill you in an A-wing if you want, A-wing vs A-wing 5 minutes your host, 5 minutes my host (to make things fair and no complaints of lag) final total score of the 2 games wins.


No missiles, no beams, no counter measures, 1v1, starting distance 3 km, Unlimited waves. Care to accept? and see hwo good you REALLY are? or do you just want to prove how stupid you are by saying your the best, and not brave enuf to prove your skills in a chalalnge?


email me: nresgremlin@hotmail.com a time and place and i will be there


[This message has been edited by K_Kinnison (edited December 20, 2000).]

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I may not be the best at this game online, but I'll challenge you anyway. You may win, I may win, I just want to see if you'll actually reply to a challenge. Drop me a line.






RL stands for a lot more than Rebel Loyaltist


Real Lover

Really Likable

Real Life

Real Logical

Real Loyal

Real Lucid

Real Lusty


But for the best definition just use Rebel Loyaltist

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I don't believe this is appropriate behavoir for a Battlestats game admin, hehe, bad K_K...you missed a great arguement at the BSC XWA mb too, Raven and I were going at it

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Blazer, I couldn't possibly be aware of your flying skills, but since you have the nerve to challenge the official XWA's instructor pilot, I'd love to see you in action !


is your ego writting checks your body can't cash ?


PS Gremlin , make sure to record the whole thing, ok ? wink.gif




"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"



<font color="black">


[This message has been edited by Fondas (edited December 21, 2000).]

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I'm not the best either, but I like to fight him on the zone. If is name is BLAZER on it. I thought you couldn't record multiplayer missions?

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Yes K_K, record it for us and e-mail to all of us. I'll provide a screening room with free beer and popcorn on my SSD!



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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yeah, there's always one person who ruins a good movie watching experience



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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