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HandMaiden Question


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Indeed she can, as can Bao-Dur, rumors say Atton as well and Mira.

but for handmaiden specifically


she has to like you and you must not get too involved with visas or she well not even speak to you sooner or later. also you must complete all the echani training with her and have high influence with her.Most say it is olny possable for the lightside to do this


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Originally posted by Nrak Ujhade

Indeed she can, as can Bao-Dur, rumors say Atton as well and Mira.

but for handmaiden specifically


she has to like you and you must not get too involved with visas or she well not even speak to you sooner or later. also you must complete all the echani training with her and have high influence with her.Most say it is olny possable for the lightside to do this



You can train all of them apart the droids ;)


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started a lightsider yesterday (very rare for me lol)

and this is what happened the minute I hit Nar Shadda


got atton into a jedi sentinal, was a bit excited cuz well I screw up a bit and every1 cept keria ended up hating me on my very first darkside game. once the 2 twei'liks in the refugee area on nar shadda talk about atton and after you question them and then question him, if you influence is high enough with him (basically if u havent lost any influence since the start with him) he well reveal some dark secrets and you can turn him into a jedi


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i have the problem that handmaiden doesnt join me at all how do i get her to join me in the first place?


always when i leave telos academy is it eigther fpr light or the dark side, she is never on the ship, do i have to say something special to her, so she joins me?

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To gain influence with the Handmaiden, when she is in your presence you have to be all light side and good and ****. You have to complete all the training with her, and after the third training session, ask if she could put some clothes on, I think she then mentions her mother, etc. (who was a Jedi knight - you can find this out from Kreia earlier on) and then train her as a Jedi guardian.



Whats the highest "love interest" level you can get with the Handmaiden?

I got as far as Telos (after the fight with Atris) when she said she would do anything do protect me, and seek to destroy those who seek to harm me (or something along those lines)

After that I couldn't get any other new dialogue



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Originally posted by witchfinder

To gain influence with the Handmaiden, when she is in your presence you have to be all light side and good and ****. You have to complete all the training with her, and after the third training session, ask if she could put some clothes on, I think she then mentions her mother, etc. (who was a Jedi knight - you can find this out from Kreia earlier on) and then train her as a Jedi guardian.



Whats the highest "love interest" level you can get with the Handmaiden?

I got as far as Telos (after the fight with Atris) when she said she would do anything do protect me, and seek to destroy those who seek to harm me (or something along those lines)

After that I couldn't get any other new dialogue




Well, I've done all the training with her, I've talked about her mother, I've asked her to put clothes on, and I fairly glow with the force. She says she will die for me, but I haven't had any new dialogue with her for the past 2 planets. Makes me wonder what else I need to do to get her to turn.


Same bit with Bao, he says "yes General" and all I get for response choices is "Nothing, never mind" grrrrrr


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Originally posted by witchfinder

Whats the highest "love interest" level you can get with the Handmaiden?

I got as far as Telos (after the fight with Atris) when she said she would do anything do protect me, and seek to destroy those who seek to harm me (or something along those lines)

After that I couldn't get any other new dialogue


Interestingly, while discussing the bounty hunters of Nar Shardaa with the Trandoshan, you can elicit a humorous response from Handmaiden by showing interest in the Twin Suns' dancing. Kinda funny if you ask me.
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