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What's with this???

Guest paulbarnard

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Guest paulbarnard

I leave for about three weeks and all of the sudden There are mission specific help questions being asked in the XWA General forum. What the hell is that crap????? Are you adminstrators going soft? are the other members of the board going soft in allowing this to happen and not saying POST ONE FORUM DOWN!!!!!


No response necessary. Just rhetorical ranting.

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Originally posted by paulbarnard:

What the hell is that crap????? Are you adminstrators going soft? are the other members of the board going soft in allowing this to happen and not saying POST ONE FORUM DOWN!!!!!


First of all, I'm new to the board an "general" to me meant mission strategies as well.

Second of all, there arent that many posts in this entire forum to begin with, why split them over a few different forums were people might not even see them?


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because when people use the "Search" feature they wont HAVE to post information that has allready been posted.


Belive me... people do keep track of all the post in alll the forums


and there is a "strategy forum" for you to post this info


[This message has been edited by K_Kinnison (edited January 13, 2001).]

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Guest paulbarnard

But K-K, you're the one I expect to ***** the loudest when these posts appear. Maybe Nute. Definitely Nute. Oh well. Education. Children who can't read will continue to piss me off. *Sighs*

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Guest paulbarnard

oh uh. got what i asked for. Care to explain to those lacking basic reading comprehension the difference between XWA General and XWA Strategy, Nute?

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paulbanard why must you cause all these problems? You try moderating all these forums 24/7 and make sure people do everything right all the time! Damn you aren't perfect either so stop being such an @$$hole dumb@$$! I'm sure you probably don't have all the time in the world to make these forums 100% so stop being a jackass!



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Guest paulbarnard

Because one simple reason, I can read and comprehend what I read. It is the moderator's job at the forum to do such. If things are not right, you complain till the management fixes them. Acceptance of lax or substandard anything maybe a choice that many of you will consider acceptable, but I do not. It has only been a pattern the last month or so. Be it the holidays or some other reason as to why this has happened, I would not dare venture a plausible opinion. I merely pointed out a fact that in the past, such posts were immediately shut down because people have *****ed, and moved by the moderators. The standard of excellence was set in the past. If it is not being held to in the present then something needs to be done to rectify the situation.


[This message has been edited by paulbarnard (edited January 15, 2001).]

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You can't be serious? I sure hope you didn't lose any sleep over this terrible over sight. It looks like someone needs to take a pill.


I cannot speak for all the Mods and Admins here ,but I for one have a life and I do not get paid to sit here and wait for travisties like this to happen. We do the best we can when we can.


Tell ya what, if you see something you don't like then why can't you help us out and tell the person what he/she did and ask them to post in the correct forum and then we will try to close the topic when we get to it.


When you come in here and start yelling and ranting all you are going to do is chase people off and I for one would rather have people here making a ligit mistake then for everyone to start yelling foul when ever a post is in the wrong thread and it isn't moved in what you think is a timely manner.


Please don't act like it's the end of the World. Someone made a mistake, it didn't get moved, live with it.

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Guest garyah99

Originally posted by paulbarnard:

Because one simple reason, I can read and comprehend what I read. It is the moderator's job at the forum to do such. If things are not right, you complain till the management fixes them. Acceptance of lax or substandard anything maybe a choice that many of you will consider acceptable, but I do not. It has only been a pattern the last month or so. Be it the holidays or some other reason as to why this has happened, I would not dare venture a plausible opinion. I merely pointed out a fact that in the past, such posts were immediately shut down because people have *****ed, and moved by the moderators. The standard of excellence was set in the past. If it is not being held to in the present then something needs to be done to rectify the situation.


[This message has been edited by paulbarnard (edited January 15, 2001).]

Sheesh! for a noobie you sure like to gripe a lot! Listen to Gunner and learn. Nobody likes a wise guy complainer.



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Guest paulbarnard

Originally posted by GUNNER:


When you come in here and start yelling and ranting all you are going to do is chase people off and I for one would rather have people here making a ligit mistake then for everyone to start yelling foul when ever a post is in the wrong thread and it isn't moved in what you think is a timely manner.


Please don't act like it's the end of the World. Someone made a mistake, it didn't get moved, live with it.


I asked a question that would be legitimate based on the past usage of this forum. That is all. If anyone else cannot realize that, then you are reacting emotionally. I asked a simple question. I have received my answer. Thank you.

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