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What planet order did you chose?


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First time I went through the game, I chose:


Telos (not really a choice), Dantoine (impatient to see what happened), Nar Shadaa (needed to see a city after Dantoine), Korriban (impatience once more) and Dxun - Onderon.


Now after Telos I did Nar Shadaa

(to get three more party members - that includes the HK-47 missing parts)

then Dantoine and I am planning to go to Dxun - Onderon before Korriban

(to get my last party member)

and to see if it makes any difference.

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That's the order i was thinking of trying next too... though i might change dantoine to last (telos, nar shada, onderon, koriban, onderon, dantoine... yes i know onderon is in there twice)


I really want to try and avoid the "telos has no fuel" lines after i got the deal. Guess the Huts ships arn't fast enough :D


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I was going to post a thread like this, but then was like, I'll let D333 have her glory :p


I went


Peragus-Telos-Dantooine-Korriban-Onderon/Dxun/Onderon-Nar Shaddaa-

Goto's ship-Onderon-Telos-Ravager-Malachor V





Peragus/Telos (Well I kinda have to)


Dantooine (Curiosity killed the cat)


Korriban (Same as Dantooine)


Onderon/Dxun/Onderon (I didn't know what to expect, so I just went)


Nar Shaddaa (That was the last one left)



Goto's ship (had to free my character)


Onderon (Because I had to)


Telos (To find out what was going on)


Ravager (Had to)


Malachor V (To kill Sith Lords :mad: )



Edited by Darth333 - spoiler tags added - last sequence is not in the officially revealed planets and it speaks a bit too much about what happens.

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first time through, I went








Nar Shadda


After Nar Shadda, Things went all crazy, as the story seemed all "squished" together at that point, and got totally confused as to what was going on. I guess because of how much actually goes on on Nor Shadda compared to the other worlds.


Second time through,



I followed the order of planets in the Jedi Archive that T3 gives you.



Then the story seemed to flow more smoothly.





Now I ALWAYS go to Dantooine first, as its the quickest way to acquire a lightsaber, as far as I know.


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Originally posted by Tobacca

Now I ALWAYS go to Dantooine first, as its the quickest way to acquire a lightsaber, as far as I know.

Actually there is a fast and easy way to get a Lightsaber but you gain DS points:

go to the docks on Nar Shadaa and go to the flophouse (the place with many small apts) and kill the guy named Lootra and "loot" his body



Originally posted by Devilsfanatic

I was going to post a thread like this, but then was like, I'll let D333 have her glory :p [/Quote]

You made the right choice :lightning (j/k) ;)

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Well, let's see.



1. I started on Peragus. Condescending Answer: Because I had to.

2. On Telos, I won a slave girl in a hand of Pazaak and allowed two droids to form a civil union.

3. On Dantooine, I found Ed Asner and sent a splunker to his death.

4. On Nar Shadaa, I made a redhead wear a metal bikini and convinced a sick guy to kill himself.

5. On Dxun, I got Mandalore to help me wait through eighty minutes of load times and two minutes of combat.

6. On Korriban, I found an Onasi blaster on a Sith corpse. Burn in Hell, Dustil! Mwahahaha!

7. Then I went to Onderan to facilitate negotiations and put an end to hostilities.

8. Back to Telos, to lead an injured soldier to his death and wish that there was a salt shaker gun in the game so that I could take care of the Ithorians properly.

9. Got on Nihilius' ship, where I convinced Tobin to kamikaze himself and made with the punch out ending.

10. Malachor V, skinned a wookie, ceased Kreia's aging, blew up yet ANOTHER planet, flew off to find Revan.


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well after telos i went straight to

NarShadda: cuz its the olny way to get a lightsaber the earliest and to complete HK the earliest (plus when your darkside its not very fun fighting Vorook at lvl15 with a tranosheden double sword)

Dxun:just to finish up my party

Dantooine:get done with Geeda's lil shop of silver crystals:D and of course its good exp

Korriban: always tempted to go here first or 2nd as a dark jedi but it carries so many more advantages as the last planet and just like the first KOTR it was also the best last planet IMO

and the rest just plays istelf from there


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