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just finished nar shadda, defeated Mastar Kavar.....


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I don't think you can, that quest is really buggy.



That quest only seems to work if you don't talk to Cerka and side with the Ithorians when you first arrive on Telos, you then need to get the bounty information from the TSO Officer and then they will appear near the Cerka's leaders desk when you enter the Cerka compound and a cutscene will happen, then you meet them again on the surface of Telos and get to complete the quest, return to Citadel and report your killing of them for your reward.



Out of 4 characters I have only completed it once, and the above was the way I did it.



The other 3 times I talked to the Cerka leader before siding with the Ithorians and it messed the quest up.



I hope this helps! :D

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if your with the ithidorians or czerka it doesnt matter cuz I have done this quest on both sides. The minute u get the quest go to the czerka station and a cutscene should happen, I have done this both 2 out of 3 games and the 3rd one I did about 3 quests on the way to the czerka station before hand. infact it helps if you dont do anything and go straight to the czerka station after getting the quest

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but i don't quite understand. The cutscene shows the guy talking to Jane Lorso then I say they are criminals then the guy says to run then I get a notice that says they are going to the restoration zones to be secruity officers for the Czerka. Now I'm not sure what to do.

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Originally posted by fusion25

I guess my other question is hwo do you get to the surface of Telos? I only remember earlier on the planet where I took the shuttle down and it was hit by the turret. I think it was at the polar area on Telos.

There s no way to return there...but Iam sure this is something that willl be taken care of by modders pretty soon after the PC version is released ;)

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Originally posted by Devilsfanatic

What about Batu Rem, I can never find that guy, or find out what happened anyways.


Talk to the Cerka Duros(?) behind the counter in the docking bay either him or the Cerka Guard, one of them can be persuaded (25 Credits) to give you information on Batu Rem, that he arrived on a shuttle from Nar Shadaa, that is all you need to talk to the TSF Officer and complete the quest.



I hope this helps! :D

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