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The Official EU Trivia Thread !


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  Commander Obi-Wan said:
Q: Who was Coleman Trebor and what happened to him? Pic required.

Coleman Trebor was a Vurk Jedi Master and member of the High Council, he was killed by a series of blaster shots to the chest delt by Jango Fett during the Battle of Geonosis.




Q: Who was Quinlan Vos reeaally working for during the Clone Wars?

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I'm very tempted to pull the plug on such "name all the" type questions when the answers required are so extensive... it makes them just as bad as "how many" questions :p


I'll leave this one up for a little while longer, just in case anyone can be bothered :)


Q: (Even harder), Name all the Seperatist leaders, bonus pic for each.



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Nute Gunray, Viceroy of the Trade Federation.


Poggle the Lesser, Archduke of Geonosis, head of Geonosian Industries and military advisor.


Wat Tambor, Foreman of the Techno Union


Shu Mai, Presidente of the Commerce Guild


San Hill, Chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan


Passel Argente, Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance


Po Nudo, Senator from Ando, head of the Hyper-Communications Cartel


Tikkes, Separatist Senator from Mon Calamari, head of the Quarren Isolation League


D. Rouge, Senator from Dangarthe (Represenative of Dangi Alliance)

(No Available Picture)


Ooooh. A question....




Who Created the Corellian System and How?

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  Foshjedi2004 said:
Ooooh. A question....




Who Created the Corellian System and How?

I think it was some unknown aliens that did it when they were tripping around the galaxy... but anyway, how they did it was they stuck some big repulsor engines on Corellia, Talus and Tralus and pushed it there, with Centerpoint station helping. This was in the Corellian Trilogy by Roger McBride Allen. :)


EDIT: oh yeah, I need a question...


In the book Vision of the Future:

a. who does Luke have a vision of;

b. what caused the events just prior to what the vision reveals?

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  Samuel Dravis said:
I think it was some unknown aliens that did it when they were tripping around the galaxy... but anyway, how they did it was they stuck some big repulsor engines on Corellia, Talus and Tralus and pushed it there, with Centerpoint station helping. This was in the Corellian Trilogy by Roger McBride Allen. :)


EDIT: oh yeah, I need a question...


In the book Vision of the Future:

a. who does Luke have a vision of;

b. what caused the events just prior to what the vision reveals?


You forgot 2 planets.

Plus We know the name of the Species thanks to Dark Nest.

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Foshjedi2004, The Killiks claim they were the ones that created the Correlian sector, but actually I found that source quite shady. With their collective memory they claim they remember building it. But the Dark Nest has the ability to change/influence the memories of the killiks. So the only source supporting this theory is unreliable


Answer to Samuel Dravis' question:

a. Luke has a vision of Mara Jade lying lifeless in a pool of water.

b. What do you mean by "what caused the events just prior to what the vision reveals?" You mean why is she lying lifeless in a pool? That's quite a story but here it goes: Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade infiltrate the Empire of the Hand's fortress on Nirauan . Inside a cave, under the fortress, they find a clone of the late Grand Admiral Thrawn still in his Spaarti cylinder. There they trigger a booby trap that releases 2 sentinel droids. To beat those, Mara (or Luke) cuts a hole in the wall, which is apparently next to a lake and the chamer starts flooding. The underground corridor leading to the chamber is flooded very quickly and to escape Mara goes in a Jedi Trance while Luke (being the more powerfull Force user) swims underwater with Mara in tow. Near the end of the tunnel the current drags Mara away from Luke and when he surfaces he sees Mara lying lifeless in a pool of water.... voila...


Q: Name at least 5 character from the Original Trilogy who survive the movies but later on die in EU. Also name their cause of death.

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I never said it was the the Killiks...It was by a race called the "Celestrials". The 2 planets he missed were Selonia and Drall


General Dodonna: Old Age

Mon Mothma; Old Age

Admiral Ackbar: Old Age

Chewbacca: Sernpidal's Moon Crushed him

General Madine: Killed by Durga on Board the Darksaber

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  Samuel Dravis said:
Who was Kud'ar Mub'at second in command (no cheating! :D)?


lolz...the BH wars.. Mub'at created a secondary part of itself called Balancesheet, to assist in his transaction with organisation like the BH Guild.


* * *


EU Tally to 696.jpg


The presence of those two "list all" questions threw the totals out for a couple of people but the scores still reflect the great answers by relative newcomers Fosh, Terros, Palpatine_dc & MachineCult


Good work :D


Your prizes :

*Official* Episode 7 script courtesy of ****en supershadow :p lolz


Q. Who are Jag and Wynnsa's mother and her brother's name ??



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Thanks, Astrotoy7. It's nice to be appreciated. Kudos to you for starting this thread and to everyone keeping it alive and fun. But supershadow's script of Episode VII...? Oh, the horror!!!



A: Jag's mother is Syal Antilles, older sister of Wedge Antilles.


Q: What does "Ke nu'jurkadir sha Mando'ade" mean and what language is it?

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Jag and Wynssa's "Hidden" Brother was called Cem. Or are you talking about his dead Siblings??

Mother: Syal Antilles.



Language: Mando'a


It pretty much means "I'm tough, don't mess with me", though I may be wrong...


If I am Correct:


What Was the name of the Jedi Knight that Corran Horn Trained that allowed him to become a Jedi Master??..."It may not be who you think ;)"

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lolz... it was Raltharan of course, though people who havent read The Unseen Queen may probably and incorrectly guess Tahiri :)


* * *


Q. Whose remains were made into a bejeweled trophy ? What confrontation did this eventually lead to ?



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