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hi there!


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ok i've got 2 questions:

1:where do i find Boba Fett?

2:how are the role playing servers and regular servers defferent?

thanks!!:D oh and by the by..............

I'm getting swg+jtl like in the next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and hopefuly swbattlefront!


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First, try to keep your questions within 1 post.


Second, no, if you need 2 accounts you'll have to buy 2 games and pay for 2 accounts.


You can let your sister share your game, but play on another server.

You cannot play together or at the same time though. Only with 2 accounts can you play at the same time, and/or together.


Third, you'll find Boba Fett in the audience room at Jabba's Palace on Tatooine. It's located in the south-western corner of the map, just north about 7-800 meters from Wayfar Station.

If there's no player cities with a shuttle port near there, you will have to walk there, or drive/ride there. Start from Bestine, it's the closest.


You will have to do alot of missions first before you will be able to go in and see Jabba and the gang though.


Fourth, the roleplaying server and the regular server doesn't have any differences in the rules at all. They are all regular, and the roleplaying server is only un-official. They're all supposed to be roleplaying servers anyway.




Since for some reason you have chosen not to be able to recieve or send PM's (Privat Messages) I am forced to place this here:


Please try not to spam so much.


I've looked thru your posting habits, and as a friendly advice I need to tell you that you have to take more consideration to what you are writing. This is not a chat channel, it's a forum.


I'm not expecting anyone to write essays or anything, but a bit more than a whole post with just hahahahahahahahahahaha doesn't cut it.


It would be better with just a rofl or lol in that case. Aatleast within my forums (swg), I won't mind just a rofl or lol now and then, but outside these forums, making too many (or sometimes even 1 is enough) such post will not fare well with the other Mods.


So, keep up posting if you like, but put more thought into your posts, please.

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hi and congrats on your getting the game :)


uhm i mostly play on the starsider server and found a lot of really good Roleplayers if your looking for roeplayers


now they dont confine themselfs to just starsider tho. other servers have roleplayers aswell.


well good luck ingame. if you start on starsider and need help.... my name is in my banner :p



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