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Best Fighter/Ship

Guest Ze Ayatolahawk of Anarchy

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Guest Ze Ayatolahawk of Anarchy

In your opinion what is the best ship/fighter in the game?



Ze Ayatolahawk of Anarchy

Never kick sumbodies ass unless you are sure there are a thousand more benefits apart from having the benefit.

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Mechwarrior have whats your fave Mech Config.

Final Fantasy have who was the best character.

Tomb Raider has which was your fav level / weapon

his is ridiculous !

Can some please inject more imagination into this burnt out husk of a topic :

what about - 'which ship has the best storyline / history ?'


Mumble, might as well play along, else be accused of newbie bashing, mumble mumble.


well - the B-Wing of course - any startfighter designed specifically to carry out direct assaults against capitols ships, as opposed to running interference if it would help (ahem, X-WING, cough) demands respect. Look at it's balance of shields, speed, weapons, payload. The number of high profile missions (B-Wing unit 'Grey squadron' at Endor that cleared the main tunnel for Calrissian's and Antille's escape for one), and it's history (I am writing a book for this history at mo - some of you know of this pet project).

Many an X-wing pilot has gone in under heavy covering fire from B-Wings.

They are just gorgeous.




Nova Squadron, the Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the Nebulon B Frigate 'Oracle', home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - SSDs (See our work with the Iron Fist !) !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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Well I give my vote to the TIE DEFENDER, cause it's fast biggrin.gif with good shields and weaponarys.


As for the fighter I like the best, well it's ofcourse the XWING, cause RS uses them and so does Wraith Squadron biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif , and I think that the xwing is a good and rugged fighter.

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Guest Doctor Shapiro

Well, my personal favorite is the Toscan Fighter....nobody says much about it but it's kinda a cross between a Y-Wing and an X-Wing (performance-wise), but with more guns. Most of the neutral fighters don't get much credit--mostly people just like the reb and imp fighters.

Dr. Shapiro


[This message has been edited by Doctor Shapiro (edited January 30, 2001).]

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Guest Ze Ayatolahawk of Anarchy

Sorry if my topic bores y'all



Ze Ayatolahawk of Anarchy

Never kick sumbodies ass unless you are sure there are a thousand more benefits apart from having the benefit.

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my favorte fighter is the Space tug... no wait.. MOLE miners.. no... um.... EM-KAYs!!!!!


(checks watch) gee only took 6 weeks for this topic to come up again


est fighter is the TIE defender... it was designed to be a super ship.


But a close second is the K-wing, or Missile boat (with SLAM systems)

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Guest Expert Rookie

a combination between a SSD and a Eclipse II Star Destroyer would be a kick ass ship.



My fav. fighter is the T/D

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Guest Rogue15

The missile boat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's awesome, i've not had much experience in it, but hey, i love picking 2 types of warheads!!!!! man, it's so awesome!!!


Check out my missile boat's name at my sig!



Feel free to visit my TIECorps profile!



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Guest TIE_pilot

TIE Interceptor is best. You need skill to fly it against shielded ships and it is fast with good amount of lasers.



"You Rebel Scum."


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Guest emupiett

My favorite Rebel ship is the good ol' X-Wing. The best Imperial ship is the Assault Gunboat. No cheesy Missile Boat or Defender. The R-41 is kinda cool too.



"Intensify forward firepower!!"

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Guest TIE_pilot

Ya, but if you start with a non-shield ship you can get good without em and then be extremly good with shields.



"You Rebel Scum."


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I personally like the A-Wing, because it's extremely fast, and manuverable, and has enough weapons for me. Also the Tie Interceptor is good.




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