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Who would win? Yoda vs. Palpatine! *use spoiler tags where appropriate*


Yoda V's Palpatine  

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  1. 1. Yoda V's Palpatine

    • yoda
    • palpatine

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maybe not strength as much as finess and agility... 2 qualities that i believe were enhanced by the use of the force. a good fighter does not need strength to win, sure it may help but in yoda's case it was not a necessity. anyway i couldn't say who would win b/c there are just not enough facts and too many what if's and suppose's.

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Yoda was knocking back Dooku in the duel in AOTC. That sounds pretty strong to me. How about jumping around like he did? Can you jump 3-4 times your height in a vertical jump? No mere human can. The force enhances one's abilities. Force jump is not a levitation trick. It is an enhancement on one's ability to jump, thus making their jumping muscles stronger. If it didn't make his strikes stronger, then every hit would end in a saber lock. That however only happens with one hit. Dooku was outmatched.


The reason I say 3 instead of 6, is that being alone in a swamp seems to cause him to lose it a bit.


Whoa whoa whoa. Yoda in Ep 6 vs. Emperor P in Ep6? That's a joke. Yeah Yoda had to use a cane....but so did the Emperor.


The winner of that duel would be who lasts the longest without falling and breaking their hip, or having a heart attack.


Luke: You failed your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me!


Emperor: D@mn Jedi whipper snapper!! Didn't your father ever teach you to respect your Sith elders!!


Yoda: You check your blood sugar and you check it often!! There's no reason not to!!

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Originally posted by jedispy

Whoa whoa whoa. Yoda in Ep 6 vs. Emperor P in Ep6? That's a joke. Yeah Yoda had to use a cane....but so did the Emperor.


No, no, no. Thats not what I'm saying. I just meant that I suspect Yoda was more capable in episode 3 then episode 5 (6 was a typo). I didn't mean it to be relative to Palpatine. It seems that being in a swamp away from people was causing him to lose his mind a bit. My reason for this, is the wacky, crazy Yoda we see at the beginning of ep 5.


Of course, this is all just speculation and supposition, there is very little to go off of.

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I reckon Palpatine because he caused Yoda to flee to the Dagobah system. That little green dude is scared of practically nothing so if the presence of Palpatine unhinges him, so too will Palpatine destroy him.

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