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Guest Expert Rookie

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Guest Expert Rookie

"On an 1 to 10 scale, what would you rate X-Wing Alliance?"


My Rating: 8



"I came here to chew bubble gum and kick butt."

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Guest Raptor_90

Probly a 9...



All wings report in: Red leader standing by, Green leader standing by, Yellow leader standing by.

"Lock S-foils in attack position"


ICQ# 26844263

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Guest Expert Rookie

I want to know what happens to Uncle Antan.

I want to know what happens to Aeron.

I want to know what happens to the entire dumb Azzameen family...


hehehe proved ya wrong!



"I came here to chew bubble gum and kick butt."

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Guest garyah99

If it wasn't for the ending (or lack thereof), I would probably give it a 8.5 or 9 but because of the ending (or lack thereof) and the post patch bugs that are probably there because Lucasarts was more interested in rushing it out the door because of the Episode 1 line....I give it a 7.5.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Scoundrel67

I can see my way to giving it an 8.5, but certainly no higher. When the fools at Lucas Arts forced Totally Games to release an incomplete product, they lost a golden opportunity to provide the fans with an exceptional game. All of the basic elements were there, but they just didn't follow any of them to completion.



They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

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Guest Cloud

Lets see.... X-wing Alliance's graphic didn't improve all that much. I mean look at this, even fans of the series can make better opts then the guys who made this game. I played that game Starfighter and I hope that Lucasart will make an X-wing game with those kind of graphics. The music and sound, very impressive! IMUSE system music works super well, but the lack of tracks hurt it alittle (especially in skirmish.). Oh yeah the X-wing's laser doesn't sound that realistic like the movies. The controls, still very nicely done. I like how we can order all of our wingmate to do separate things, but I don't like how we can be on the same flight group in skirmish (I make Rogue Squadron missions and I hate how I can't put everyone on my flight group). Gameplay, doesn't change much which is good and alittle bit bad. Skirmish editor is severely limited. Can't even position ships, change the colors, put players on the same flight group, hyperspace, etc. Very buggy and they rushed it so much that they forgot the film room. Sometimes the TIEs attack each other. Ending??? Uncle Antan? Well all in all, a decent game, but could had been better.


7 out of 10.

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Guest Darth Massacator

I give it a "barely made it to" 7. The game was incomplete in both storyline and improved multiplayer support.

Half the reason I can justify giving it a 7 is because I think it had better controls, sound, and the graphics were a bit better. Although the asteriod fields were disappointment. Hey, Totally Games, if I wanna fly my trusty X-Wing through an asteriod field, could you please let go of the "all asteroids look like Purina Dog Chow" school of thought? And, actually make them *dangerous*.

But what makes XWA an extreme disappointment in my book is, this is the last one. No more will be made along the lines of an X-Wing series. If I were to make a "final" game of an X-Wing series, I would've put some better toys in it, and beefed up the skirmish editor.

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Guest Redwing

9---one point off for cr**py ending. mad.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Cloud

XW VS TF was dissapointing? I heard it was the best... I forgot to include that XWA has alot of lag compare to X-wing vs TIE fighter. The asteroid fields in Starfighter is so much cooler compare to XWA.

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I really liked XW vs TF, it was the first X-Wing game I ever bought, and I played the HELL out of it, but it really lacked any storyline. It's just a bunch of disjointed, random missions without an ultimate outcome. The Balance of Power pack resolved a few of these issues, but I never realized it's shortcomings until I got involved with XWA, which is a much stronger game. The original XW and TF were both better than XvT I've come to see. I still play it from time to time, but it's kinda hard to get relly lost in that game, if you know what I mean.



"That's the last time I trust the strangest people on Earth!" - Homer

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Guest Guneenya

I give it a 9.0, at least! Of all the games I bought two or three years ago, precious few remain on my hard drive.... only two, in fact, now that I check. XWA is one of them, and though I don't exactly play it every day now, it's still great fun when I *do* fire it up.

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Guest Neezo

I'll give it let's see 8.5 The reason is that we don't get to know what happens with the Azzameen family. And no add ons at all. That's too bad IMO.

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