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The next step I'd like to see for KOTOR III.

Master Zalius

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Hello everybody,


I'm a new member of the this board. I'd like to give a short backstory to why I'm here. For christmas I recieved an XBox along with some games among them... KOTOR I. I didn't know I was getting it either. I started to play it and I was so impressed, I just played it endlessly till I reached the end after a week of playing throughout the day. When I reached the end I felt an emptiness by finally beating the game. I realized the replay value but decided to wait, Because of this I went out and purchased KOTOR II. I didn't want to really start playing this till after the next semester of school... but it caught a hold of me and once again for another week I was once again "in the Star Wars universe." Now not more then an hour ago I have reached the end of the game and I feel that void once again.


I would like to see a KOTOR III where after you finish, and after the credits role down, you return to the ship and as with all the games the destroyed areas are repaired from the given time and small little new tasks of Jedi business arise for you to take care of, just enough for you to play and explore a little more with an open-ended feel. That would be a nice touch.


In addition. A series of games like these with transferable characters would be quite unique. Say you build up your character in the game and once you finish you would be able to transfer your character via harddrive (I dont know how this would be done... only a dream for me, especially on XBox) to the save games portion of the sequal so you can continue on with your built up character in a new quest through the light and dark.


I would also like any other KOTOR sequal to support a memory unit because when I go to school and for any time off I have I would like to bring my game with me to play on my roommates XBox to continue the game.


Anyway thats all I had to say, this has mostly been my introduction and I very well may frequent this forum for a time to come.


Master Zalius

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Rollover characters would be both useful and impressive. However, this would most likely be hard to integrate into the next build of kotor, because I don't think they will use the same engine again. It would take a long time for them to figure out and finish doing that. :(

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Well you wouldn't have to gain a lot more levels. Other things can be done about this... it's just an idea. I guess perhaps it is necessary to have this growth process as an element.

I would just like to contiue on with some of the same characters and fall into another story with the same character as a change of pace.

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Unfortunately KOTOR is an RPG and as such has a finite story arc, so playing after the ending isn't a very high, or even necissary option... and as the game itself is constructed this isn't actually possible, without a major overhaul... something a game company would probably not spend any precious time to do.


Also RPG's by nature have you starting out as a level 1 character, there should be no transferring characters, each game is a seperate entity with the story arc tying things together, because the whole point of RPG's is to figure out the story while building your character for the events ahead.


In a KOTOR III both Revan and the Exile will have to play Major Parts, but I highly doubt we will have anymore actual control over them.


Possibly the story in KOTOR III will be our character sent out to investigate the whereabouts of the Exile and Revan... leading to our journey into the outer rim.

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even though it would be kinda cool, it really couldnt do as the isnt really any way you could enjoy the game after the credits for very long..just think..would it be fun to go around and do stuff after you beat malak? maybe, but it couldnt be done considering you now are the fate of the galaxy:p

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Originally posted by Master Zalius

I would like to see a KOTOR III where after you finish, and after the credits role down, you return to the ship and as with all the games the destroyed areas are repaired from the given time and small little new tasks of Jedi business arise for you to take care of, just enough for you to play and explore a little more with an open-ended feel. That would be a nice touch.

It would be quite a let down since any story elements would likely be anti-climatic. No one is really going to want and go around and get cats out of trees after defeating the Darl Lord. And adding that extra content takes time and money. If they are going to make the game longer, most players would rather that be devoted to the main story arc. Besides, when the story is done it is done.


Originally posted by Master Zalius

In addition. A series of games like these with transferable characters would be quite unique. Say you build up your character in the game and once you finish you would be able to transfer your character via harddrive (I dont know how this would be done... only a dream for me, especially on XBox) to the save games portion of the sequal so you can continue on with your built up character in a new quest through the light and dark.

The problem with that is it makes it much tougher to design the game. Developers would have to account for new players who don't have a character and those who have a powerful one. There would be no way to have good game balance. By the end of KOTOR Revan can pound pretty much anything without effort. A level 1 character can have trouble taking out a Sith guard. How are the designers supposed to create enemies that are challenging for both?


And not just enemies. Revan's skills are pretty high at the end, unlike a new character. Locks would either have to be much too high for a first level character to open, or way to easy for Revan. Either way, both players are going to be disappointed. And that is only the start of the problems. There is also story. How do you gear it to either a Jedi Master or some noobie? And so on.

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Yeah this is all true. I suppose I'm just hoping a game of infinite life that doesn't require an internet connection and subscription *Cough*Star Wars Galaxies*Cough* would come to fruition. Not to mention I dont feel that I could play online games like that with a bunch of people who probably aren't role playing at all.

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actually....rolling over and already sarting off unstoppale sounds great... imagine a game here your sith lord takes over the galaxy and when the credits role you wander the galaxy and conquer everything else or vie versa for light side... bad a$$, personally im looing for a post trilogy game where you are Luke and you get to go through the trials of Knight and Master, and becoem the most powerfu Jedi in the galaxy

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:eyeraise: But JediFanatic10, you don't need to do any of that because at the end of the game you have allready reached those points, playing after the story is over is pointless... and starting an RPG at that point is equally pointless... why go out to a new adventure, that is beneath you I might add, when you have all the power in the universe already?

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Originally posted by Master Zalius

Hello everybody,


I'm a new member of the this board. I'd like to give a short backstory to why I'm here. For christmas I recieved an XBox along with some games among them... KOTOR I. I didn't know I was getting it either. I started to play it and I was so impressed, I just played it endlessly till I reached the end after a week of playing throughout the day. When I reached the end I felt an emptiness by finally beating the game. I realized the replay value but decided to wait, Because of this I went out and purchased KOTOR II. I didn't want to really start playing this till after the next semester of school... but it caught a hold of me and once again for another week I was once again "in the Star Wars universe." Now not more then an hour ago I have reached the end of the game and I feel that void once again.


I would like to see a KOTOR III where after you finish, and after the credits role down, you return to the ship and as with all the games the destroyed areas are repaired from the given time and small little new tasks of Jedi business arise for you to take care of, just enough for you to play and explore a little more with an open-ended feel. That would be a nice touch.


In addition. A series of games like these with transferable characters would be quite unique. Say you build up your character in the game and once you finish you would be able to transfer your character via harddrive (I dont know how this would be done... only a dream for me, especially on XBox) to the save games portion of the sequal so you can continue on with your built up character in a new quest through the light and dark.


I would also like any other KOTOR sequal to support a memory unit because when I go to school and for any time off I have I would like to bring my game with me to play on my roommates XBox to continue the game.


Anyway thats all I had to say, this has mostly been my introduction and I very well may frequent this forum for a time to come.


Master Zalius


use a memory card to transfer files

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The memory card only holds about what 500, 800 blocks? When one save game of KOTOR take 1600 Blocks so I can't fit even one of my games onto the card. Either the save games need to be smaller (probably not possible) or XBox needs to get there ass in gear and make higher capacity cards.


Also its not pointless to keep playing after the game is over. Some people like the immersion into these universes and would like to keep playing till they tire themselves out. Not everything has to be by the BOOK OF GODLY TRADITION in every facet of life.


Other struggles can be made for a character starting out were he left off you know... maybe it takes "imagination".... that long lost art.

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or for the next kotor they could elimanate loadings, it would olny load like when you enter a world and thats it or load like GTA:SA...or atleast load fast lol. Also I want them to playtest it, check every dam thing and make sure nothing is bugged, my weapon master really misses force armor:mad:

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