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Joystick (hat)...


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Guest DS_Dash

i use my hat switch for this:

LEFT, Adjust laser recharge rate

UP, Select nearest enemy fighter

DOWN, Match speed with target

RIGHT, Asjust shield recharge rate

I hope you enjoy these settings if you use them!

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I've got mine set up this way:

UP= Target Objective

RIGHT= Target ships components

DOWN= Next Target

LEFT= Autofire at target. Great for flying CORTs.



My Dream, to fly a starfighter and destroy Imperial ships.

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Guest Fondas

I can understand your problem...

I had 3 HATs to configure ... wink.gif



"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"


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Guest Rogue15

i use these:


Left: Adjust laser recharge rate

Up: target nearest enemy targeting you

Right: Next Target

Down: Order Wingman to attack target

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Hmmm...well after due consideration I settled on the following:


Left: All laser energy to shields.

Right: Weapon settings (dual fire, quad fire, defensive fire etc).

Up: Preset 1 (F11 - General Combat mode)

Down: Preset 2 (F12 - Get outta dodge mode!)


As for the others...


Thumb 1: Nearest enemy

Thumb 2: Switch weapons

Trigger: Guess smile.gif

Pinky (Stoopid place for a button!): Nearest Objective




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Guest Redwing

I only use the stick for firing...too used to the keyboard.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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