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Fantastic Four Trailer

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by Kain

Amazing. CapN seemed to be aggravated by my comment, yet he and only a select few others want to see this movie.




Amazing? You're easily impressed. I'm not aggravated by your comment at all. I really think that's a wonderful idea you have there, y'know, where you shoot yourself two times? And yes, I'm sure when this movie comes out, only myself and "a select few others" will be watching it. Why, the producers called me at home and asked if I wanted them to make it, just for me.:rolleyes: "Ha" indeed. And speaking of ****ty comics being made into movies, aren't you the same guy that went on and on and friggin on about how great the Punisher was? Pffft. It is to laugh. Or something like that.

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