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The REAL "Secret" of Monkey Island


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Sorry, I was just reading through QuezTone's excellent article again and still struck by the same missing things as before.


It's very clear that a) Monkey Island was inspired by fantasy things like Pirates of the Carribean and that b) It may well have been Gilbert's intention to make the whole thing into a child's fantasy......




They DIDN'T make it into a child's fantasy, not even during the ending of Monkey Island 2. They altered it so they could make sequels.


(Also, secondly: The 'actual' secret of Monkey Island (as mentioned in MI1's title) was that Monkey Island itself had LeChuck's crew of the undead hiding beneath it.


So really, the "Secret" of Monkey Island isn't related to the ending of Monkey Island 2.)


The ending of MI2 indicates that it ISN'T a dream, but in fact a SPELL. And that's all there is to it. :)





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