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Why Don't they make remakes on mi1 & mi2, with better graphics & sound?


Would you like M.I. 1 & 2 remaked with new graphics & sound?  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like M.I. 1 & 2 remaked with new graphics & sound?

    • Yes, with the graphics of M.I.3
    • Yes, with the graphics of M.I.4
    • Yes, 3 or 4 doesn't matter... just new graphics!
    • NO! Leave the games as they are...

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I would really like to see my favorites Monkey Island 1 & 2, remaked with better graphics and sound, but with the same gameplay and story... I thing this would be perfect... Hey, is anyone from Lucas Arts in here? What are you waiting for? WE NEED MONKEY ISLAND 1 & 2 REMAKED!!!

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I think the MIDIs in MI1 and MI2 are already fine, but what would be awesome is if they released the games with the same graphics but without any of the compression issues that were brought about by disk space problems. The backgrounds for MI2 would be particular breath-taking if they were re-scanned in hi-res (*cough*, *cough*) and Guybrush wouldn't distort into a pixely mess whenever he walked away. For now we have some nice graphic filters that offer a great deal of improvement.

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I wouldn't say no to that, the images weren't like that in the game because of the restrictions of the day, but were painted well.


But I've already expressed my thoughts on this in the other thread on this exact same subject in this exact same forum.


Therefore, I will have to close this. Carry on such discussions in the remake thread.

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