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Alternate Star Wars - Vuanna 20 Year War (Part 2 - Mandalorian Counter-Strike)


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((I had written alot but I accidently closed the page and lost it all. I hate having to rewrite it all.))


The situation of the battle was going in favor of the Mandalorians. Their infantry advanced from the North side of the base. The Vuanna had bombed them a bit but were forced to retreate, the Mandalorian anti-aircraft tanks destroyed most of the ships. The Vuanna had been crippled by the bombing and artillary fire but there were still some holding out within the base.




Lyria and her men advanced with the rest of the Mandalorian infantry until they spotted their platoon. Lyria motioned with a wave of her hand and they ran towards their platoon.


They were closer to the base now and the battlefield had quieted down alot, the only enemy fire came from the base and was nothing more than sparce. When Lyria met up with the platoon she saluted the platoon leader who began to inform her of the situation.


"There's only one threat to our advance," the platoon leader said, "A group of Vuanna are quite heavily defended in a hole in the wall, with several large segments of the armored wall sticking out of the ground providing good cover. They also have some heavy firepower with them." He extended an outstreatched arm towards the source of their troubles. "We've lost two entire platoons to those slime balls. They've got more advanced weaponry and armor then us and combat training. It's a miracle they haven't wiped out our whole army yet."





Signalling with his hands Joth'loel readied a few of his men. He hurled a grenade as far down the hall as he could, the explosion threw a few Vuanna's against the walls. The Disruption gave Joth'loel enough time to run into a nearby room with the few men he had signaled. Once inside they began setting explosives.


In a moment there was a huge hole in the wall leading to the next room which had a passege leading around and behind the enemy.


Sticking his head out the door he called over some more men. "Keep the Vuanna occupied," Joth'loel called to Valis, "Buy us time to get around behind them and flank them."


With that Joth'loel and his men hurried off.

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"unfortunatly Joth'loel forgot we're the commandoes, and we should be flanking them, so we stay and provide cover fire and such, now its back to basic feild training boys, give em' hell." with that Valis popped out form the wall he was hiding behind and fired many many shots at the vuanna.

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As Joth'loel and his men ran down the hall to get around the Vuanna he realised he probably should have sent the commandoes. Too late now though.


They made it behind the Vuanna with minimal resistance and rushed out at the Vuanna. To initiate the attack the lobbed several grenades into the center of the Vuanna blowing them away. Then the few Mandalorians who remained in the rear fired a volley of lasers into those who had been uneffected by the grenades. Those who had rushed forward then drew their swords and finished the remaining Vuanna off with relative ease.


Joth'loel regrouped with Valis and the Commandoes, "Do any of you have a radio, we need to contact the main forces and find out if there's any damage we can do from the inside."

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"sorry, i already got orders, after the search, sabatoge and rescue ones of course, we were supposed to help you guys out and then we continue with our mission, secret stuff man sorry."

"alright boys, lets move, you know the plan, Hope to see you after this is over Joth'loel, but here ya go, spare radio, call them if you want, but you asked, so if he gets mad, not my fault" with that Valis ran off down the hall with the rest of his squad.

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The platoon leader looked at Lambert, "No, what we need is a plan..." As he was thinking he over heard his comm trooper's comm pack say something about soldiers on the inside. The platoon leader leaned closer to listen.


He smiled and turned to Lyria, "Aparently there's some of the Mandalorians inside who are going to try and get around behind them. We're going to wait until they get in position and then rush forwards and overwhelm the Vuanna." The other Mandalorians around him nodded, all that was left to do was wait.





Inside the base Joth'loel had given his idea to command who aproved of the plan. There were some Vuanna holding out in a protective area of the base, Joth'loel and his men would go around from the isnide and report when they were in position.

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Valis and his squad were running, very fast. they were headed to the command center, no more stealth this time, it was all about breaking in, killing the vuanna in there and then re-activating the defense systems.


they reached the hallway heading to the command center.

"bust it open boys" and they attacked a new nozzle on the end of thire rifles which made the shots harder and heavier. they all fired eventually melting off the door, then taking the nozzle off they fired and killed the vuanna in there, whom were taken by suprise.

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