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Simple answer: Because someone bought it for me.


But it's nice not to be totally limited in the distance that the CPU unit has to be to you.


The mouse on my main PC is still a wired one though.

The keyboard is wireless though... It was the only one that had all the features I wanted at the time, so I went RF. I probably would have bought the same keyboard in a wired version if the store had it at the time.

But again, it's just nice being able to place it anywhere on my desk and not have to worry about yet another cable run, or putting strain on the connector trying to get 'just one more inch.' Plus sometimes if I'm typing a long message out, or navigating something with only the keyboard, I can just put it in my lap and lean back in my chair.

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Originally posted by Alien426

Why do you use wireless mice? It always makes me wonder where the advantage lies in having cables connect to a sender instead of the mouse itself. You just have another thing on your desk while the mouse will still be bound to a flat surface which is most likely to be the desk, too.


That, and they're slower (don't try to argue against this, it's proven slower to use wireless than wired).


And microsoft is currently tied with logitech for mice. All of their new mice that come out are always the same speed, so it basically comes down to preference of feel. I love how my microsoft intellimosue feels, that's why I bought it over a logitech. It feels like it was molded for my hand (I have very skinny, very long fingers so maybe it feels better in mine).

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And I've got a cheap optical wireless noname mouse! And there is nothing on the "desk" because it's connected over some small usb thingy which is err incredibly small almost like a stick. But I think about getting a bluetooth one, so I'll have only the bluetooth dongle left, because currently my notebooks rear is looking like an armed emf phalanx.


Oh man, I'm somewhat errected now!

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I'm not gonna put up too much aof a fight for wireless mice because it seems people like wired better, but I do like the idea of putting the receiver somewhere in the background and not having any wires on the mouse getting in the way of other things closer to you. Plus some recievers can just be little USB things that stick out of the back of the computer, which, you have to admit doesn't have any visible wires (if any, i don't know too much about usb technology, but i think they're just a system of circuits if they need to be)

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Originally posted by Joshi

I'm not gonna put up too much aof a fight for wireless mice because it seems people like wired better, but I do like the idea of putting the receiver somewhere in the background and not having any wires on the mouse getting in the way of other things closer to you. Plus some recievers can just be little USB things that stick out of the back of the computer, which, you have to admit doesn't have any visible wires (if any, i don't know too much about usb technology, but i think they're just a system of circuits if they need to be)


I hate the fact of how slow and unreliable they are. But then again, I know somebody is going to come back and say how their's has never broken I don't care

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Computer talk eh, I'll join, and I think I'll order a Tab.



I am now working as a computer repair technition in one of the shops near my university. Theres only 3 types of people who ever seem to need help, ditzy college girls, old people, and porn kings with more spyware than you can shake a stick at.

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Originally posted by toenail1

I hate the fact of how slow and unreliable they are. But then again, I know somebody is going to come back and say how their's has never broken I don't care


Granted, when the batteries start going down, they're a bitch and the batteries tend to go down hellishly fast. But other than that, I see no difference in speed, I guess it's down to what you do with it, if you game with it then it may be beneficial to have a fast reacting mouse but if you're just web browsing or navigating windows (or linux...) then wireless is fine.


Again, I guess it's down to preference.

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Wireless is fine, wireless is good. My mouse is fast, reliable and wireless. It has an USB thingy just as Joshi repeated unnecessarily right after i said it. So, what the hell are you using as wireless mouse devices? Toasters? Or did you just miss the fact that you can actually adjust the mouse cursor speed, even in linux? You all must be porn kings.

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