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Overpowered, overpriced

Lynk Former

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Just too bad the PSP is a horrible concept. The design is crap and the battery is as well. And with that new batterylife extender, the psp has been turned into the NGage. Having to turn the thing off, take off the battery pack, change games, put the battery pack back in, turn it on. Doing that over again everytime you want to change games.

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Well, the put too much into the PSP... just games would have been efficient... but they had include movie support, which really isn't needed. No offense to anyone who likes movies on their PSP, but I don't see the point of buying movies to watch on that tiny screen. Portability isn't the reason, considering you can buy mini DVD players with a decent sized screen built in (or, not built in, is even cheaper) for about $100-$300 (could be less than the PSP!)

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Chances are they won't make full use of the capabilities they've got, and sooner rather than later they'll be obsolete in terms of what else is on the market anyway and it won't matter. But they'll still make lots of money just because they'd be idiots to screw up the console cash cow anyway.


That's my take. Not too substantial but there you go. Unless these consoles have some great games right out of the box and maintain a quality library it won't really matter. Specs are only impressive for so long. It's what you do with them that matters. So if they just crank out more cookie cutter games and don't take advantage and get the price down to a percieved affordable level to the consumer (if it's too pricey, they'll just invest in a gaming PC, which would be better and more upgradeable anyway in the long run), then they'll lose all but their most hardcore brand-name loyal fans.

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