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Bao-Dur Robes


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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

I stumbled upon this, though how complete it is will be discovered eventually I'm sure ;) hehe

The author stated it was taken from the templates.bif...




Thanks man, I started to write a list like that last night but then my PC rebooted on me and I lost it. This will save some time.

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Well T7 said it wouldn't look right on him, unless if you retexture a robe to look better or make a regular armor or such that he can already wear that looks jedish, just remove the force restrictions. Either way I think a retexture is going to be neccesary.

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Not sure if anyone has thought of this, but maybe use the old Darth Bandon's model for Bao-Dur's robes? Has a high collar and still has that jedi/sith feel, especially with some retextures on it.


Hope this helps. Not sure if it is even possible to port in the models from kotor1.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by T7nowhere

I don't think you will like Bao-Dur in a Jedi robe. I just tried it and his head floats an inch above his Body. That not to say that Some other model could b used but it would need those turtle necks that the Armor has.


What about using the Jedi Malak model? He seems to be about a foot taller than the regular characters. Would that get rid of the problem with the floating head thing?



up there a few posts ago someone said just use KSE to change the model but not knowing about the result...


I tried and I could make him look like a Twilek Jedi from KOTOR I if I wanted but he still would not wear any type of robe.



He would look really cool if the robe was a normal robe except that it tatters at the shoulder area and goes off into a ragged look. Then the rest of his "sleeve" and arm are his original ones thanks to an alpha channel type "hide the robe part." I don't see how it could be done because I played around with the robe tga and one sleeve does both arms from what I see.


:) Just a thought


My The Sith Lords Mod Site...

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Originally posted by Darth Melignous

What about using the Jedi Malak model? He seems to be about a foot taller than the regular characters. Would that get rid of the problem with the floating head thing?


unfortunately Malak's model comes complete with the head attached it is not a seperate entity like most of the other bodies.

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Originally posted by Darth Melignous

What about using the Jedi Malak model? He seems to be about a foot taller than the regular characters. Would that get rid of the problem with the floating head thing?


Its not a matter of how tall the body model is. The problem is the helper placment for Bao-Dur's head. He is just not rigged to use other models properly and has his own model for every body type he can use. But like Darkkender said Malak is a single model body+head.


Until we can edit meshs it would be more constructive to make a Reskin of an Armor he can use and then just make a new uti and baseitem for him that removes the FP restriction.


I tried and I could make him look like a Twilek Jedi from KOTOR I if I wanted but he still would not wear any type of robe.


The reason for this(I think) is that he's classed as subrace Zabrak.

So he is blocked from equiping models that he doesn't have available to use. It possible if you can remove that restriction and add say his default body model(to the "I" and "N" columns) then he could wear robes with out the game crashing.


btw anyone know how to remove that restriction, I'm a bit embaressed to admitt I don't. :o

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Cool. I do wish it were easier to "fix" him than what it looks like.


Just off hand...

Does anyone actually know what the "model" files are? (I mean what extension?) I figured the models would be editable in something like Maya or the like.


If the powers that be were smart they would surf our boards here and we could point out every glitch and change we'd like to see in-game for TSL, then they could make a patch for it. You know include the droid planet and others (estimated download 600MB..LOL)

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Originally posted by Darth Melignous

Just off hand...

Does anyone actually know what the "model" files are? (I mean what extension?) I figured the models would be editable in something like Maya or the like.


Listed models C-F







Took those straight from the apperance.2da file.


Then those files lead to me think that they made model files just for Bao_dur, being as he does have that arm. So they never intended for him to wear heavy armor, robes, or jedi armor so his head model is probably unique and not as universal as the other heads and is why his head floats. Haven't tried this but I'd bet money that his head doesn't line up right with the regular armor models as well.


Just my two cents leave it, hate it, or just ignore it.


Edit: Just did a quick check and I was right. His head floats above the regular armors and on the ones with turtle necks his neck sticks out the sides.

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