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Can someone explain the KOTOR 2 story plz?


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I recently finished the game, but was left with more questions than answers. So can anyone please explain whats going onplz ? :confused:




Where did Revan go and why? The backbone of the story was about Revan, but it doesn't actually explain anything. All it says is that he understood something or other about war and the force, and so he left the galaxy leaving Bastila with his army. Why?


And what happened at the very beginning? I was on the Ebon Hawk with T3 and Kreia right? How did that happen? What was my relationship with those 2 before the game?



And I know this might sound wierd, but who actually was this new sith lord (Visas master)? I mean... I didn't even know ANYTHING about Visas master, apart that he had killed Jedi in the past and that he was a "empty space" or something within the force.


When I was at the Jedi enclave the second time (when you meet the masters), they start blabbering on about me also being an "empty space" in the force, and so I started thinking that I was the mysterious Sith lord (visas master). But then before I know it, I'm on his ship killing the guy.


Also, what was actually wrong with my PC? Was he supposed to have had memory lose or something? I remember reading that in a review that the game starts this way, but he seems to remember everything. Was that just put into the game to give me the option of saying how KOTOR played out?



The dialog in the game was hardly ever updated. For example, as soon as you are able to speak to Handmaiden on Telos, the dialog options you have NEVER change throughout the rest of the game (apart from learning fighting styles). Its the same with the others aswell (Atton and the "why do you play Pazaak in your head" thing never changed). It was annoying.


Its obvious the game was rushed out.... but it spoilt the game IMO. It has more contentent and goes deeper than KOTOR which is good, but I cant help but feel it needed another 4-5 months in development. There was just too many bugs and glitches, and I just cant help but feel the story wasn't handled properly.



One thing that pleased me greatly in this game, was the masters getting fried by Kreia. Those guys TOTALLY annoyed me! Preaching as if they are gods, and that everything they say is FINAL and must be acted out. I actually played the game out LS, but I couldn't help but disagre with them. I'm glad the game changed from mere 'bullying' Dark Side and the being 'stupidly kind' Light Side.



Anyway, can anyone pity a fool and answer his questions? :) Cheers!

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The Exile was on the Eban Hawk at the beginning too, Smaug. ;)



You must have missed a lot of dialogue in the game. :D


That's easy to do, unfortunately, because of the way it was handled by Obsidian. Although if you can gather enough of the pieces of the story, it's really quite good.


The Exile is a, "wound" in the force now because of a special ability he had.


He can draw force from people and things and also connect to people this way. At Malachor 5 when the device was set off so many jedi and people died around him that it basically made him go, "force deaf".


He totally blocked the force from himself. If he hadn't it would have killed him. After these years he starts to gain his connection through the force, only now it's much stronger because of the way he reconnects to it, plus he learned how to live totally without it. He relearned to feel and use the force but not just through himself this time but through everything else around him. This makes him extremely dangerous because he can also influence anyone around him this way. (the reason the council wants to strip him of the force at the end)



Now for other questions,


Revan went to battle the "true Sith" beyond the outer rim


You were on the Ebon Hawk because T3 was sent to find you if something went wrong with Revan beyond the outer rim. I guess Kreia hooked up with T3 around the same time he found you. Unfortunately the Ebon Hawk was attacked and you get hurt badly. :D


Nihilus was the new Sith lord but he wasn't the real threat. Kreia was the main threat to the Exile at that point in time and the, "true Sith" are the main threats to everyone.


A lot of the games dialogue was only unlocked through being in the right place at the right time with the right characters in your party.


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I have to say that it's really beginning to bug me that the only way you learn the story is to, as you said, be in the right place, at the right time with the right party members. The people I bring with me for any given mission I try to cater to the needs of the mission, and not to whether the story wants them there.


I do plan to play through the game a few more times, and hopefully I will learn more, but I hate that I have to do that in order to fully know what the hell is going on.


I like mysteries as much as anyone, but unresolved mysteries drive me up a wall. It's why I had to stop reading Robert Jordan. :)

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First of all, I apologize for using "quote" instead of "spoiler" in my original post. I spent so long writing I made a stupid mistake lol. And for some reason I havent been able to access the forums over the past few days (was the site down?).


Thanks for your replies everyone. I'm currently playing through it again, and I'm trying to completely focus on the story.



Revan went to battle the "true Sith" beyond the outer rim


Cool. I hope KOTOR 3 goes into this further. Although I would never have knew that after playing through the game once, I guess I did miss a lot of dialog. I dont even know what a "true Sith" is.


Thanks for explaining about the "wound" part, it makes a lot more sense now.


Nihilus was the new Sith lord but he wasn't the real threat. Kreia was the main threat to the Exile at that point in time and the, "true Sith" are the main threats to everyone.


I just thought the whole Nihilus thing was left dry. It didn't really explain anything about him, I kept thinking "after this world, something will happen and explain it to me" but then before I knew it, I was fighting him.


I knew from the beginning that Kriea had some secret, so I wasn't surprised at all about her.


But this "true Sith" thing... were they in the game? Was Nihilus a "true Sith"? Is Revan a true Sith? :confused:


Or are the true Sith similar to the exile? A wound in the force?


You must have missed a lot of dialogue in the game.


I must have... or I'm just incredibly vain :)


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Originally posted by Keshin

And what happened at the very beginning? I was on the Ebon Hawk with T3 and Kreia right? How did that happen? What was my relationship with those 2 before the game?

Let me summarize the events leading up to the Prologue for you.


You were aboard the Harbinger. It just so happened that a certain protocol droid, HK-50, was also onboard. He drugged you while you were in your Kolto Tank and then stored you away for safe keeping. The Harbinger encountered an "abandoned" Sith Warship on its way to Telos. The troops stormed the ship and found nothing but a broken body. It was also it this time(or a little later on) when the Ebon Hawk(with T3 and Kreia onboard, searching for the Exile) docked on the ship. Remember that Carth in the transmission wanted the commander of the ship to dock with it? But, as you know, the Harbinger was already under attack by the Sith Assassins. Kreia was able to find you and take you onto the Ebon Hawk. We also learn that HK-50 also boarded to protect the bounty that is the Exile. As the Ebon Hawk escapes and jumps into Hyperspace, the Harbinger fires...and then the Prologue begins....


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