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I just finished the game once so I still don't understand a lot but anyway I liked Kreia a lot and when I had to kill her I felt sorrow. Yeah, she was once a sith lord but I think she is not truly a sith lord at the final moment. I felt more like she was waiting for you to come and strike her down. She was just fed up with the light side, dark side stuff like Jolee. Just my thought anyway...

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Kreia was always a sith lord. she was just tricking you to get all the jedi in one spot for her to kill them. She hates the force, and the exile could kill the force, thats why she wanted the Exile so much. if you know, Darth names always reflect an evil personality word, like Anakin Invaded the Jedi, and eliminated them. so he was called Darth Vader. Kreia betrayed people to get her way, so she was named Darth Traya.

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Originally posted by Bobo

Kreia was always a sith lord. she was just tricking you to get all the jedi in one spot for her to kill them. She hates the force, and the exile could kill the force, thats why she wanted the Exile so much. if you know, Darth names always reflect an evil personality word, like Anakin Invaded the Jedi, and eliminated them. so he was called Darth Vader. Kreia betrayed people to get her way, so she was named Darth Traya.



Actually vader means father in dutch (or some language like that) and darth means dark hence dark father, It was a clue to the ultimate twist in empire. However you are correct on all the other sith name i.e. sideous- insidious and tyranus- tyranny


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Could a character get any more dubious?! I mean when she wakes up in the morgue and draws down her hood and speaks to you with that crazy-old voice-from-beyond-the-grave?! I suspected her to try to suck out my soul at the end of Peragus and then I spend the game hunting her down. But imagine my surprise when she made herself my mentor and one of my "crew". And I had no choice in the matter, but to accept! Then as I did my Jedi thing - she was all "No you should lie to them and kill them!" and I was "WTF?! They're my friends!" and she "No! Listen to me I am right! Rip out their eyes when they sleep and eat them!" and then I was "...umm, so can you teach me about the force or a new lightsaber style, because you're so old and wise".


... and the Exile is supposed to be a veteran general from the Mandalorian Wars, puh-lease...

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I liked Kreia she was a far more intresting character than any of the other NPCs. I did find it kind of wierd that she ends up as your mentor by the time you get off peragus. The Exile is a fully trained Jedi Knight and former General. You would think that hes kinda past the training phase in his jedi career.

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