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Davik in Kotor2?


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anyone notice how similer Lt. Grann looks and sounds like Davik Kang? i thought this was Davik for a time, but then i was wondering. Calo Nord escaped taris, what if Davik did too? what if Davik wasnt killed, and Escaped to Telos, and joined the republic under a diffrent name?


he also speaks much like Davik, like when you get your appartment, it gave me chilling flashbacks to when you get your room in Davik's Estate in Kotor1.


Also the face is very similer, sure, Davik was balding in Kotor1, but Lt. Grann is wearing a wig, or a toupee. whatever.


what do you guys think?





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When you travel to Ordeon (the cival war planet)


You will encounter some one asking for a passport to sell and this guy has a tatoo that looks alot like Daviks and on the same place


Also some dude in KOTOR 2 actually said "some how Davik and the Ebon hawk excaped (i forgot the planet but u know what i mean)


So i belive Davik is selling Passports to escape the planet, how ever i was being a jedi and i gave the passports away for free to people who needed them so i never carried out his mission.

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This might be a spoiler.






Did anyone notice Revan though. When you fight him as an illusion on Koribon. They used the same model. They didn't fix his cape! Its still a sheet of plywood!




* your intent to use spoiler tags is appreciated. Next time, for more success, use the following tags: [spoiler ] [/spoiler ] - just remove the spaces betwer the R of SPOILER and the ] :)

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