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My Kotor2 Ending...I think (Spoilers)


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I recently finished Kotor 2 for the pc, and I had beaten Darth Traya and the movie sequence started up where the ebon hawk came, picked me up, I left and the criedits started. This ending felt unfinished to me, what about the driod thing with the shadow generator and what of mira? And what happened to the rest of my friends when I crash landed? Did I miss something or is that actually the ending? Another thing is I couldn't even tell if my ending was light or dark.

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What you got was the Lightside ending.

The situation with the driods. Here's how it goes, and what most everyone believes.

LS = Remote wins, activates Mass Shadow Generator.

DS = G0-T0 wins, does not activate mass Shadow Generator.


Mira. Let's just assume she gets out alive with the Exile onboard the Ebon Hawk. As for your friends, they were either trapped aboard the Ebon Hawk, or were left behind at Telos.




And yes, it does seem unfinished. You are now the *insert large number* person to realize it. :)

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Here is what was *supposed* to be in the ending, but got cut because the game was rushed out the door:


The remote and G0-T0 are joined by HK-47, who has enjoyed as much of the "fat one" as he intends to. Goto, however, has sent a squad of HK-50 'droids as backup for G0-T0, and they arrive on the scene just in time to prevent G0-T0 from being scrapped. They are unable to fire upon HK-47, however, due to their self-preservation protocols, and 47 communicates directly with their behavior cores (special feat he has) to take control of them. G0-T0 is summarily decommissioned. HK-47 is certainly not being altruistic, and intends to seek and destroy the remote, but we may assume, I believe, that the remote escaped during commotion. The choice is therefore returned to the Exile General as to whether or not to activate the primed mass shadow generator.


Meanwhile, at the Trayus Academy, your friends await. Recall the dialog between Traya and Sion - "When the Exile arrives, he/she will be presented with a choice ... this I command." The choice in question is between two paths. The short path will lead the Exile to the Trayus core quickly, through some bad guys, so that the Exile may arrive to confront Traya at full strength. It seems that this path required the sacrifice of the Exiles friends and allies, however. The second, and more difficult path allows the Exile to save the friends and allies. This path requires sacrifice from the Exile, however, and will mean that the Exile will be weakened for the final confrontation at the core.


Mira seems not to have fit into Traya's plan, seems to have been immune to her manipulation - which is why she needed to bring the wookie to deal with her. This always seemed stupid to me, because Mira already spanked the wookie (no double meaning intended) on Nar Shadda... there is no reason to suspect that she would be unable to do so again with ease, now that she is a jedi.


This information comes from the sound files in the game. Some helpful souls on the Obsidian forums have put a few together into mp3 files that may be downloaded - the ending as originally planned by Obsidian seems to have been dramatic and moving, much more so than anything that remains. Alas, we may never know what was cut out for time, and what was reserved for a sequel.



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I'm tempted to download these but I keep thinking of how fantastic they would be in game, I didn't really read any of the script stuff but I did read the reactions from people who did. Before I download these Mp3s I'd like to know if there is any chance of that stuff being turned into an ending mod or a content patch. Does anyone know?

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I loved every moment of KOTOR II just as much as I loved every moment of KOTOR I but the ending of KOTOR II was extremely disappointing. It’s truly sad that the game was rushed out the door and in a way the ending almost ruined the entire game for me. I can only hope they take their time with KOTOR III and don’t rush it.

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I remember reading in a thread ages ago that you would see an ending montage of all the worlds you visited being rebuilt, or taken over depending on your choises during the game. You would also see some of the people you helped or didn't help, to make it so people saw differant endings. I Havant seen it but i do skip the credits, so if it is there can someone tell me if it's not it was another thing cut.

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I must say, the ending sucks. It just.. sucks.


I hope the dark side ending is significantly better, because there was nothing to the ending.. beyond talking with Kreia about the "future".


No resolution of the remote G0-T0 situation. No nothing..


I feel cheated by the ending, and sincerely hope that they add a proper one (along with quite a few bug fixes..) into the patches.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

What resolution of the remote G0-T0 situation? There's none needed.


He was there to allow the remote to continue if the Exile chose light or to stop the remote if the Exile decided to take up the mantle of sith lord.


Nope, you have it reversed. He explictly states that he cannot allow the first option to happen because the chaos it would cause.

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