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What drives you? Light or Dark and Why?

Juha Avery

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The Dark Side in its most extreme form is just as impractical at accomplishing anything as the light side, when it comes down to it.



From what we're told about Revan, he was something more than a Dark Side Master even as a Sith Lord, because he was never the creature of pure self-obsessed evil that Malak was. No rational being is a Dark Side Master, and it's appropriate the game makes it hard to be one with any shred of your sanity left.



I can't live with pure light-side self-righteousness, nor can I live with pure dark-side evil, but between the two, I'll inevitably lean towards the good, which means light side. I was able to stay light side master almost the entire game, with one period of non-mastery due to dark side points.


If I have to be a master of one side of the force, I will be a light side master.


If I'm just being myself, I'll probably be neither, but very close to Light Side Mastery.

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That is one of the more "humerous" ways to kill someone :D


At other times it is just fun because somebody makes you mad


like that guy in the apartment who gets all upset that you opened his footlocker.

"I'm not going to take that from you!"

Reply: Well then just leave or else I will call the TSF!

Your reply: Then I guess I will just have to end your life as well"

:D ...fun for the whole family


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Both actually...


I am more like a nice wannabe dark jedi.

I can't kill inecents, I just can't...

I allways help if I can, but I never turn down a reward.

I like to force persuade people... to jump down a mile long cliff...

I weare black robes and loves Froce Storm.

But I am a llightsider.


Besides, dark siders don't look good...

...exept Bao-Dur, ahh...

So fricking... evil...

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I've gotta go with LS. As far as I'm concerned any world would be very to difficult to live in if everyone subscribed to the DS school of thought.


But... if someone is going to try and take advantage of my PC he's going to take them down, even if it means some DS points. Mission's brother Griff from KotOR I is an example of one guy I couldn't stand. At one point when he is pressing for credits to invest in his Tarisian ale escapade I would always choose the dialog option that said, "Ask me again and that tach gland won't be the only freshly harvested organ around here!" :D That would always net me some DS points but I would choose it every time...

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I play DS because I don't like being a pansy, I'm NOT sorry if I offend any LS'ers here but Stasis field doesn't cut it. I need Kill, Lightning Storm, Plague, and I'm a huge fan of wanton slaughter. I hate boring dialouge, if you want some come get it, because my lightsaber is about to seperate your body from head. I'm trying to beat it as lightside right now to get the story lines I missed, man its hard. everytime I encounter someone I just want to kill them not listen to their sad story or take pity on them. :o:D


EDIT: On the other hand the LS guys can probably appreciate the fact I kill everyone anyways evil or good. I just kill.

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In KOTOR 1 I make most of my choices LS, but in my first encounter with Bastilla in the Rakatan Temple I choose my true identity and end the game as the Dark Lord.


(I like the dark side ending for KOTOR 1, watching all the armada coming out the Star Forge, and of course, to kill Carth after I defeat Malak when I choose the female character).



For KOTOR 2 I like to play light side. I like the ending better than the dark side one.


KOTOR 1- Dark side ending

KOTOR 2- Light side ending

KOTOR 3(?)-???

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i'm no angel




kotor 1 i had to go lightside as darkside just felt like i was trying to be a bully in the school playground


kotor2 i played it lightside but the darkside was temptin so im playing it again darkside

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Originally posted by Arlen Treesong

I'm a huge fan of wanton slaughter. I hate boring dialouge, if you want some come get it, because my lightsaber is about to seperate your body from head.

Much anger I sense in you... :p

Personally I go light side for both games cos the LS storylines are better. Also I feel that a true DS character would kill all his companions and go it alone -

while Kotor 1 catered for this to a certain extent, in TSL it seems weird for a Sith Lord to have a band of comapnions not just the odd apprentice. I'd have loved to have killed off some companions again. I don't think TSL really makes you feel like an evil Jedi overall, you just get the odd 'jump off the ledge' line here and there but at the end of the day you're still part of a rag-tag group of fighters like Han, Luke, Chewie and Ben on the Falcon; too chummy for a Sith I think


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I usually go for the grey, as some of the DS options are difficult to resist, as well as some others (can't remember anything LS though) like


You mean this button?


[Force Persuade] You want to give me all the credits you have and jump in the central pit.


(K1) Maybe I'll just watch while sipping icewater.


(K1, only with female Revan) There are things I can do a blaster rifle can't (not Dark but just funny)


Or discussing the LS and DS on Korriban in K1, though Korriban is also hilarious when you have discovered you're Revan, and picked those options.

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I played both, but prefer LS. It's more rewarding to help people than just kill or terrorise them.

But strangely i find the DS ending more in tune with EU



when Kreia speaks about the future of the Republic, and tells you the fates of the planets in the game. FE Dantooine is unhabited during the time Luke Skywalker starts his new Jedi order. (K. Andersons Jedi Academy trilogy)


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