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Have KOTOR2 completed the way Obsidian intended petition


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Signed, but I'm sad to say that I don't have faith in Lucas Arts or Obsidian, one this is the only Obsidian game I've played and I have no idea how they treat their customers, and two from what I've heard I doubt LucasArts will take any action at all.

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ok i have signed it because i found the whole end bit just one big let down, the last 2 sith lords to beat were easy in my opinion then 'the ending' i starred at my computer and said to thin air "what is that it"


so i have signed the petition for a better ending but i dont honestly for one minute beleve it will happen and yet i have hope here is why


reason i think lucasarts will ignore us: many fans want the original release as well as the special editions of the original SW trilogy available on dvd but mr lucas said no your just getting the special editions


reason for thinking that lucasarts might change it: the original sw trilogy existed and there was a huge fan base no need to change a thing but mr lucas went back and created the special editions wich also altered the ending slightly and then he created the dvd set and changed bits in them again and again he changed the ending slightly so it seems mr lucas has no problems with changing something he has already done


so it might happen

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Originally posted by Aleggy

ok i have signed it because i found the whole end bit just one big let down, the last 2 sith lords to beat were easy in my opinion then 'the ending' i starred at my computer and said to thin air "what is that it"


I did the exact same thing.

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Originally posted by Lord_Malak

You must have a lot of time on your hands if you read into the text THAT much.

That doesn't make any sense.


I'm only responding to what you wrote. And I have no more time that those who sign online petitions expecting it to change the way corporations do business. ;)

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

They'll do this right after they publish the next Sam N Max.




I'd much rather have them work on giving us a killer end chapter to the trilogy that ties everything up nicely.


I agree would prefer a Excellant final chapter rather than a redone middle part. I would happily wait as long as it takes to make KotOR 3 perfect

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Everything from the meeting with the 3 Jedi Masters on Dantooine to the end is crap...


Thankfully that's the last 1/4 of the game so that can be corrected.

Alltough I think the main premise about you being a Black Hole for force users is utterly, completely and terribly idiotic.


There are so many things that make no sense, and I would dare say, invalidate canon stuff...



Darth Nihilus appears to be greater thret than any sith Lord before.. He can kill a WHOLE PLANET wiht force sensitives and jedi masters.

Darth Sion keeps ressurecting himself over and over! How do you live after your limbs are cut off????

Kreia kills 3 (THREE) Jedi Master in a second 8and it wasn't a element of surprise either)



If Sith have methods against there is no defense (as Kreai states in one sentance), then they would have killed all the jedi years ago... and it actually does make the dark side more powerfull


Or the fall of Ebon Hawk? The destruction of the remote?



and excellent charachters, but with unused full potential...


BAD, BAD, BAd...


Please use spoiler tags.

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