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How to influence Handmaiden [Spoiler]


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Hey there!


I just wanted to know how to make Handmaiden a Jedi. I only have little influence on her. When i talk to her she only says, that she doesn't want to talk to me :confused:

But I'm actually a pretty nice guy (Light Side Championship)

Perhaps, because, I went out with Visas a few times, i don't know.

Now on Onderon, i gained influence 4 times, but she still doesn'T want to talk to me?

Now, how can i make her a Jedi, or is it to late?

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wait....you went out with visas? Like on a date? Details!!


But seriously, is that even an option in the game? I didn't think they programmed any sort of romance options into it. Maybe I"m wrong, but I've played a couple of times through before, and I never got any kind of options like that.

Also, if you're a light side Jedi Master, what the heck are you doing dating a Sith Apprentice? Thats pretty much a no-no. I'm pretty sure you'd get thrown out of teh Order for that.

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i thought, that visas isn't a sith anymore, because, in her profile, she is full on the light side, or am i wrong.

However, i think i'm almost through (malachor V) and noone of my party wanted to be taught by me :mad:


And the Romance thing. Aren't you the "pimp of the game" like me. It seems, every chick wants me: Visas, Handmaiden (although she's jealous), Mira also likes me, but she thinks, i'm a bit to old for her.

Hopefully,not Keira ;)

Sorry for my poor english

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I did not use Visas and never use her in my party, did you take her for while when she is in your party.


Handmaiden can't hate and me, she still talk to me, when I take her in my party all time as long I did not use Visas even when I turned her to light side. After Visas and atton in sickbay, I pick only one dialog option with Handmaiden that I did not want to lost INF, whatever I am on light side or dark side.

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Originally posted by jedigoku

question when do you get he handmaden

I'm pratically to the last plannet and I haven't got her


I'm guessing you're playing as a female character - only males get handmaiden in their party. If you are male.... BUG! BIG BUG!

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Originally posted by nas77

I'm guessing you're playing as a female character - only males get handmaiden in their party. If you are male.... BUG! BIG BUG!


Has any body tried to trick it with KSE by switching your gender to male when you are a female

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Man...you're the first guy that wants his character to have a sex change in the middle of the game :p


maybe in kotor 2 but not in the first one I used to do it to be able to hit on bastila as a chick

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