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BioWare vs Obsidian

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I wouldn't know about that undead thing = Sith. Have you seen Anakin Skywalker in the teaser for Episode 3? Yellow eyes, some skin issues, veins = cool!


And the Emperor sure looks undead in Eps 5-6.


Nah, me likes the undead look. And in any case, yellow eyes are a must for a Sith!

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Lie? Yes.


So easily influencing charachters of opposite aligment? BAD.


If your totaly DS and one of your party NPC is totaly LS, it should be a very hard and long-term process trying ot influce/convert him/her.


No matter how good an actor someone might be, you can't spend a month wandering around with evil personified and not notice something wrong. You can only surpress your true self for so long....

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Originally posted by montnoir

I wouldn't know about that undead thing = Sith. Have you seen Anakin Skywalker in the teaser for Episode 3? Yellow eyes, some skin issues, veins = cool!


And the Emperor sure looks undead in Eps 5-6.


Nah, me likes the undead look. And in any case, yellow eyes are a must for a Sith!


True but Dooku was never an undead.


Besides, Palpy wore make-up during Ep. 1 and 2. Can't you do the same?



But anyway, at least in KOTOR2, some people you meet actually notice your undead look.


In K1, undead Sith are normal people.

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I must say that BioWare did a much better job of storytelling than Obsidian. For one thing, the story was much easier to understand in KOTOR unlike TSL, and you could feel the pressure on your shoulders as you went of to save the galaxy before Malak destroyed it.


The thing that made KOTOR my favorite was that you felt the evils of the Dark Side. In the Climax, you had to decide whether to join the Dark Side and sacrifice your friends or stay true to the light and save the galaxy. If you chose the Dark Side



Then you had to Kill half your crew. Killing Mission and Zallbar was probably the most evil thing that you could have done in the entire game.



The only thing that i liked in TSL was the opening where you had to figure out how the Peragus Facility got sabotaged. Other than that, I was mostly confused about the entire Force Bonds thing.:confused:

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Originally posted by jedi3112

I would not really restrict Lie to DS, you could also use it to avoid conflict. If you ask me a good DS dialog tree should consider of some Lie possibilities, a Force Choke every once in a while and possibly even fry somebody Palpy style. And off course a few Force Persuade options.

While [Lie] does have some LS uses they are few and far between... that is why it is mainly represented as a DS option.


You would use [Lie] a lot for the DS because to influence your companions and those around you it is necissary, you start out using many [Lie]'s to start to sway your companions views, as they start to come around to see things your way, then you can start speaking half-truths, then truths, and once you have them where you want them, you don't have to hide what you are anymore.


And you can walk around being evil incarnate and also play the role of the hero as well... you play the role you need to be at the time... only to reveal your true nature when the time is right and you have the full support of your followers, that is the true DS... and played like this you are unstoppable, especially in a PnP RPG context.


Force Choking or Force Lightning people is being a simple DS punk. These punk Sith, like Malak, do cause a lot of problems, and have a good time, but always die quickly.


I do agree though, more [Force Persuade] options would have been nice as well. :D

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Originally posted by RedHawke

And you can walk around being evil incarnate and also play the role of the hero as well... you play the role you need to be at the time... only to reveal your true nature when the time is right and you have the full support of your followers, that is the true DS... and played like this you are unstoppable, especially in a PnP RPG context.


That's exactly the way it is in the movies; and that's the way it should have been in the game.


Originally posted by RedHawke

Force Choking or Force Lightning people is being a simple DS punk. These punk Sith, like Malak, do cause a lot of problems, and have a good time, but always die quickly.


It's more about the moment when to use these powers. Someone who's always choking his way is a punk; but using it on a few select people who fail you is the way to go...

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Originally posted by Darth54

It's more about the moment when to use these powers. Someone who's always choking his way is a punk; but using it on a few select people who fail you is the way to go...

I agree! But only after you have fully twisted your allies and revealed your true nature. :D

Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

So Darth Vader is a punk for using Force Choke?

No he only did it occasionally (3 times), being a punk is Force Choke-ing everyone who irritates you, all the time.

Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Vader is not happy:vadar:


You see, now you've made him mad.

Well, because in EP3 Obi-Wan whooped his behind so well, his Iron Lung will slow him down some, just long enough for me to escape to hyperspace... :D

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I really thought a great moment to use Force Choke in K2 could have been



Inm the hidden tomb on Korriban when the commander of the soldiers starts complaining about crossing the bridge.


I don't really know if at that point you could use in in dialog, since I didn't have it there. But it would have been perfect for the situation.

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^^ Yeah I agree, jedi3112, and that actually touches upon my ideal role for a Sith, which would be to able to command other characters. In K1 and K2, despite playing on DS, you still feel like part of a bunch of freedom fighters like the classic heros on the Falcon. I'd much rather there was a sharp contrast whereby on LS you have friends but on DS you have subordinates who you can command and choke if they whine or fail you.

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Thinking about DS again, I think some people would not like to play with our "manipulative" template. The average gamer who does not care about SW will find it more interesting to just lightning everything. Not everybody has a twisted mind like us SW fans :evil1:.


Anyway, I still fully support the manipulative DS character idea. I personally found it a tad boring to use force lightning once to clear a full room of enemies.


And speaking about DS powers, does anyone find Force Crush cheap against bosses? I was messing around with a DS Lord yesterday and experienced the joys of putting bosses in a "Force Crush lock". I mean,



only Kreia was fast enough to drop a plague once in a while....



By the way, we really did hijack this thread, didn't we?

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Yeah but it's still related to KOTOR so mods probably won't mind.


For me,


wasn't even able to do anything. Force Crush is way too powerful against bosses. Nothing can resist it. Whatever happens, unlike kill, you do a good amount of damage.


With Kill, I wasn't able to even touch her.

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