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MP Characters *Game Spoilers*

Cosmos Jack

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I really truly, honestly fail to see how saying Battledroids are in this game is a spoiler. Unless that it spoils a persons hope of playing the game, because they love Battledroids and only wants to play them in MP.


If you are interested in this game, have half a brain, and can spell "Star Wars" you know Battledroids are in this game. Something that everyone knows is in the game isn't a spoiler. Plus you can go on the official site and it is easy to find information. That the Developers themselves publicize.


Kind of like saying Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader in EPIII. Does anyone not know that? If your a person that doesn't then you don't know who Darth Vader is anyway so it doesn't matter.


If I tell the hole plot of the game, what happens in each level, and at the end that is a spoiler.;)

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At first I'd agree with the complaint that it's not 'really a spoiler' BUT I haven't seen the full game yet, so I could be wrong. I also agree that's it's not wise to upset a moderator!



Battledroids don't pull people's arms out of their sockets when they post possible spoilers without warnings. Moderators have been known to do that...



So trust us. Better to be safe than sorry! ; )

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You can only be a Clone Commando or Trandoshan Mercenary. You can change their skins and voices, customize with accessories like ammo packs, bigger backpacks, helmet devices, etc. I figure that you can only be a Commando or Trando because they share the same animations and such. They walk the same way, hold guns the same way, etc. But the regular Clone Troopers were animated same as the Commandos, so why can't you be them? :/


Oh well, I'm sure new MP skins will be plentiful through modding. Would be cool for someone to make an ARC Trooper model for MP, perhaps the ARC gear as accessories for a regular Clone Trooper? And also color-coded ranks for the regular Clone Trooper. :)

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Originally posted by ZBomber

So, from your experience playing the game, do you think that custom models will work in MP?


I'm sure that custom models will work as long as they release a decent SDK. With good modding tools the possibilities are almost endless. Modelers could modify the existing models like the Battle Droid, Trando Slaver, hell even the Wookiee to use the Commando/Merc animations so they could be in MP. If they release the source code there could be a class-based Assault mode for all those who wanted it. There you could even be Droidekas, Super Battle Droids, and any other nasty things that wouldn't fit the Commando/Merc animations. Who knows. :p

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