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TSL movies, how to unlock ?


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I finished the game as light side Guardian Weapon Master, and was suprised to see that I had only 27 of 65 movies unlocked. I did get the Kreya video of her past (needed some influence for that) but that was it. It's hard to belive that playing as a sith would give you totally other movies (even the Ebon Hawk landing movies).


So where are the other 38 movies hidden ?


Please don't say it was cut from the game (like much of the stuff, that made the ending nonsense) ...

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I ended up with 57 of 65 movies unlocked on my first play through so you must have been playing a simple hack and slash character(I assume since INT and INF get you a few more movies) I'm playing through as a darksider to try adn unlock a few more,but I get the feeling that some were cut(ones for the 'full' ending in particular)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by BMartins

What happens if I finish the game, unlock the movies, copy the saves and then uninstall the game and paste the saves. It's going to unlock the movies that I already had before uninstalling the game?

Keep you swkotor2.ini file as well.

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