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other model viewer??


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i want use the models of JKA in a 2d game, i use the mod view to make some frames, but its impossible to see a model using a lighsaber turned ON (with the glow) so anyone know a way to make this possible?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Seems like we're pretty much in the same boat, only that I want to know how to make the player weapons appear in the MODview.


Is it possible? I would really appreciate if anyone could answer this.. Cutting&pasting is a bitch, getting the proportions right..


Oh and to answer your question, it would probably be easiest to make the lightsaberglow in a program such as Photoshop, if it isn't possible with the modelviewer.


Edit: I mean how to view the player model and player weapons alltogether in the same time - to avoid confusion on the matter..


-Rusty Nails

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

psyk0 you mean wudam right? :p, anyway i went to the forums and i saw the help threads so now i know how to work with it, thx for doing such a great program ^^ although it makes my pc to restart when i have it on much time, i guess its a problem of my gforce, it happens when i play games so to fix this problem i have to have a ventilator (one of those that are used in summer) pointing to my pc (which is opened)..nvm

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