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Atton Jedi


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Take Atton to the Refugee Sector on Nar Shaddaa. Circle around to one side of the Refugee camp, I believe it's the left side on the map. Two Twi'leks will come up and give you info on Atton for 25 creds. Ask Atton about it and some influence checks and some other stuff will happen. Say the right stuff and you win!

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You also need lots of INF or he'll get "mad" at you ;) a quick note when you see the dialogue option "I need to know more about you, especially if we're traveling together" say "nothing nevermind" or whatever option you have to drop the conversation and you'll gain some INF with him, hopefully enough to continue the "questioning". :fett:

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Atton is the easiest npc trainable as a Jedi. Simply put him in the party, when you kill innocents generally he talks to you, after that, you get an influence increasing (that I think works also with LS, probably when you help people, you get also influence on him, because Atton simply follows you path, is not a naturally evil or naturally good character). When you meet the two twi'leks on the Refugee sector, you must ask him about his past.

he would say that he was part of a Sith elite unit that used to kill or capture the Jedis, until he met a Jedi woman that changed his view of life. At this time, say that she was lying, and in fact, she didn't love him, but she has pretended that to protect Jedi order, convincing Atton that he had to desert Sith army to avoid becoming a dark Jedi. Say that she would only make him weak, and then offer to train him.

Atton will become a Jedi Sentinel. You can also chose the LS path to train him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey i got one from another person







If memory serves INF can be gained through either light or dark actions.

Can be gained where ever INF is lost/gained with your other party members. Ex; Bao Dur.

Telos academy, after being freed talk to one of the sisters & ask where are my friends?

After her answer, ask if they're prisoners? & she'll give you some info about Atton.

Later ask him about his echani training & respond with I thought it could be an asset. -INF gain- ( If DS, beware a LS hit here.)


Also on Nar Shadda at the air speeder when he offers to unlock the security let him & respond with 'I'll let the expert handle this.' -INF gain-

After touching your parties mind with Kreias help, ask Atton 'why he plays pazaak in his head'

Follow dialog tree.

Pick the option to apologize. -INF gain-


For jedi levels.

Nar Shadda refuge camp your approached by a pair of twillecks. Listen to what they have to say.

Ask Atton about the info they give you.

Follow dialog tree.

If INF is high enough, should open jedi levels.



follow this to the "T" and you'll be training atton as a jedi in no time

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